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    where'd her brains go?

    that svcks dude....i mean this chick didn't insult me or anything, she just bored the shyt out of me. but the biggest thing that got me was her whining. see we ended up going to lunch together--what hell that was. have you seen the 'wingman' commercial that budweiser does? it was exactly...
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    where'd her brains go?

    i met this hb8 today at school, but after she started talking any attraction i had was shot to hell. is that normal?? i mean it was one of my cleanest pickups, but she started to talk about anything and everything and i got pretty bored with her. got her number for social proof and then i...
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    in the end....

    run for your life man Demodulate-- bro you have got to get away from this headcase.....i dated a chick just like this.....her father had just had a liver transplant when i dumped her and she went mad crazy when i let her know it was over. if you let her get any sort of a foothold on the...
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    out of the blue

    jake-- we messed around but other than that there wasnt any intercourse.....and another thing.....she broke it off. i think she was leaning toward the idea that it wouldn't work because of the distance. but like i said, i had a hard time believing she wasn't still somewhat interested (signs...
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    out of the blue

    anybody?? advice is in need.
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    out of the blue

    i got an email yesterday from a chick that i dated a while back.....she left for school over a month and a half ago, so naturally i forgot about her. ive had this gut feeling that we were still attracted to each other, but like i said she was leaving, so i nexted her. im not sure what to make...
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    how bout some help from the masters??!?!
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    I know we can judge a chicks IL on whether or not she touches you. I think I read somewhere that if she touches you at all her IL is somewhere above 50 already. Could someone elaborate on this issue?? Im curious cuz Im trying to judge ILs on different chicks im DJing. Thanks!!
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    how do i play this??

    Ocsar- First thanks for the post....can i be dumb?? absolutely. but let me explain my reasoning here....this girl was flaky the first time through. why shouldn't i watch my back? as for snappin at her, it was prolly just in the moment....i mean 14lbs had been dropped on my...
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    how do i play this??

    I'd taken quite a spill from the ljbf that i got from my oneitis. After spending alot of time on here, I'm happy to say I've finally got the "i could give a rats ass" attitude. I was afc in may, dj by july. it took a while and i had some growing pains, but I'm a better man for it. Just...
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    she comes callin out of nowhere

    crackhead, well i fell back into afc mode for like one night....thats all i can figure out. everything was going cool and then i turned happened so fast, but the damage was done. i didn't call her for about 5 more days and when she returned my call it was ljbf. so much happened...
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    she comes callin out of nowhere

    thanks for the advice guys....i'll stick with what im doing then....nothing at all! :cool:
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    she comes callin out of nowhere

    hey guys....a chick that ljbf-ed me a couple of weeks ago called me out of the blue to go and hang out with her.....i hadn't called or payed any attention to her lately, so it was suprising....i ended up going but i told myself that if she called again this week i wasn't going to go no matter...
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    ignorant jerk vs. unphased dj

    Starman you've got it all wrong dude! I said I've been an ass to her, or least I felt that I have. I'm a recovering wussy who still has flashbacks to my old pansy self. Maybe thats why I've felt like I'm being an ass because my oldself would apologize. But I'd never apologize for being a man.
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    ignorant jerk vs. unphased dj

    Oscar Wilde---what I did wrong was rather stupid of me. Things were going great in the beginning. She was calling me, and I was the one being pursued. The problems started where my discipline lacked. I said yes to often and became to available. Eventually I asked her out, and things sorta...
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    ignorant jerk vs. unphased dj

    Two weeks ago I got dropped by a girl I had been seeing. The advice I recieved from alot of people was to learn where I went wrong (which I did and boy did I get pissed off at myself) and move on. Well my idea of moving on was to not associate with her, not talk to her--basically ignore her...