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  1. B

    Got a girls insta at a bday

    This is the thing most people don't realize...what works for one person won't work for another and vice versa due to their personality. You need to accentuate your strengths and work on your weaknesses to turn those into strengths. Too many men accentuate their weaknesses and hide their...
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    Got a girls insta at a bday

    I can't tell you that, you have to figure something out based on where you are and what else is in the area. Essentially you are just getting her isolated and having he go with you somewhere. It creates a mental shift in her mind that it's more like a date, etc. Could always just be like I'm...
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    Got a girls insta at a bday

    You flirt with her and then tell her this place is kinda boring, you want to check somewhere else out and invite her to come with you. If she says no, then you can always fall back to trying to get the number for later but at that point it's a low probability play anyway. You'd be surprised...
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    Dead Bedrooms and Weak Moments

    Because they have needs and desires that are not being fulfilled but ultimately feel like they have too much invested, have too much security and/or care about the man too much to leave him for good.
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    Got a girls insta at a bday

    Something you'll learn...getting her info seems promising but your chance to make things happen is usually only in the moment that night. Once she is out of that mode she was in and back to her normal reality, unlikely anything is going to happen most times.
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    Conquered Depression!

    Great you are feeling a lot better, but I would be careful thinking you conquered it. Things like that never truly go away 100% and will always be lurking in the background ready to come back when the opportunity arises. Be vigilant and make sure you continue to do what you have been doing...
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    Got a girls insta at a bday

    Might mean something, might mean nothing. Good job on getting it but unless she meets up with you, it's not worth anything.
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    Lol...What's up with Lil Nas?

    Throughout history we have seen when a group of people are oppressed and treated without basic human dignity and respect for a long period of time they typically eventually respond with equal and opposite force in their fight against their oppressors. In other words, we have reaped what we sowed.
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    Married Teacher Forces Under Under Age Students to Run a Mass Transit On Her!

    Eww...I would rather jack off with a brillo pad than stick my d!ck in that.
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    Ways you could control a women desire indirectly.

    Do you not feeling confident enough that she would want to be with you and do all those things without you controlling her?
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    Do you think some chicks are just really into old farts?

    People do things for lots of different reasons. If you can think of it, there is someone out there who is into it.
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    Lol...What's up with Lil Nas?

    I just have enough to worry about with myself and don't have time to play moral police for humanity. Most people would do well to spend more time worrying about their own problems, they have plenty of them.
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    Lol...What's up with Lil Nas?

    Why do you care what someone else does? If they aren't hurting anyone what's the difference to you?
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    How much do looks matter

    More than most people would like to admit.
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    Epic fAil

    As long as you can reach the proper spongy spot on the inside of her walls... She would be begging for you to fvck her once you make her cvm/squirt from hitting that spot over and over again
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    Epic fAil

    If you knew how to use your fingers properly you would have known that objection would have been out the window within 5 minutes.
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    Has the wife of your friend hit on you?

    Not the wife, but when I was around 20 my best friends girlfriend apparently really liked me to the point she hooked me up with one of her girlfriends when I was back from college for the summer so we could go on double dates and she could be around me more. I was kinda oblivious back then but...
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    Did I Dodge A Bullet?

    Tell me about...happened to me once and ever since then anytime a woman tells me she has had abusive relationships with exes I am out ASAP. It always ends the same way.
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    Did I Dodge A Bullet?

    Yup...because when women are in relationships like that, it means they actually WANT to be treated that way and when you don't, they will like it at first but over time will start to think something is wrong with you and will end up pushing you get back in a relationship that is more...
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    how to handle casual hookups?

    You just do it and when they bring up the "what are we" talk just tell them you enjoy spending time with them and seeing them but aren't looking for a relationship right now. There is no reason to bring this up on your own.