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  1. S

    Girls with mainly male friends

    This is exactly what I did with the girls when they started being overly active in texting (particularly in front of me) and hanging out one on one. Problem is i'm not good at hiding, and got caught spinning plates each time. Another method that I have found useful in correcting such...
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    Girls with mainly male friends

    I was reflecting on my many past relationships and noticed a trend that nearly all the girls have had mainly male friends (90%+ male friends in friendship ratio) and held close male friends. Then I think of how each of them have ended... progressing from my very first relationship where I...
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    beta orbiter confessed - gf still friends with him

    You are all very right here... I will need to work on my inner game more to overcome insecurities rather than throwing the reason of disrespect to give me leverage. @PairPlusRoyalFlush you are also correct.. she is 'average' compared to the quality of the other girls I have dated and she lacks...
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    beta orbiter confessed - gf still friends with him

    - beta orbiter has been friends with the gf for 5 years - gf becomes single, beta orbiter confesses love for her, she rejects him cause she was 'seeing' me - awkward moments ensue when group catch ups occur however eventually they become friends again and are talking on the regular...
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    Gf's beta orbiters - how to handle current situation

    Thanks all the advice. I will voice my boundaries to create that win-win situation as soon as possible
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    Always seems to be a catch

    If I were in this situation I would change the activity to minimise your own investment. Get her to do the work - tell her to bring movies and food to your place instead and start escalating I personally do not like dates outside of my home as I find it very difficult to escalate in public...
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    When should you flake on a women?

    I agree, simply spin plates - flaking is just plain rude
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    Gf killed mood for morning sex, and somehow I'm at fault? lol

    Dude WTF are you doing!!! The only saving point to this situation is if you were spinning multiple plates and you were curious what a cougar or experienced oldie would be like. BUT then again... she has hit the wall figuratively + 15 years ahead! You are 23yo. If you want to keep her around a...
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    Gf's beta orbiters - how to handle current situation

    I agree with this... the issue is that I cannot conspire a way to relay my boundaries in this regard without coming off as AFC or insecure. Bit of background on the orbiter: - Been friends with gf years before I came into the picture (even when she had another bf) - Seems to always talk...
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    Downgrading Looks & Sexwise?

    Downgrading has worked for me... Why? Because I have found that the HB9/10's have an appetite for drama and are generally a mental case in some way. They hot ones always seem to fit 2 of the 3 dating criterias 1. Are sexually open - borderline nympho = tick 2. Are considered good looking/hot =...
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    "Alpha fvcks Beta Bucks" is the most retarded sht I've ever heard.

    Alpha fux, Beta bux is a truism that is caveat on not LTR'ing the girl. Once you LTR the girl, you will start spending 'bux'. I can personally attest to going through this phase before my LTR I was spinning plates for months not spending a cent by getting girls to come to my apartment bearing...
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    Gf's beta orbiters - how to handle current situation

    This. I've had past gf's who had orbiters but were not entertained to on a regular basis i.e. contact only acquainted via social gatherings.
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    Gf's beta orbiters - how to handle current situation

    I basically lead the conversation into that direction with the goal of drawing lines of association with the current orbiter. His confession occurred during the first month of my relationship with her and her reaction was to ask me for advice as she had seen him as a friend moreso. He did...
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    Gf's beta orbiters - how to handle current situation

    That's the exact dilemma and thought I have!! I am currently taking Adams advice and attempting to manipulate both parties for my own gain. I also touched on the subject passive aggressively last night which in retrospect felt weak on my part. Basically the phone conversation was heading to a...
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    Gf's beta orbiters - how to handle current situation

    Gf of 6 months has several beta orbiters, few have confessed so far since I begun my LTR with her and have somewhat withdrawn although kept in contact... There is however one particular one whom goes out of his way to ensure her happiness. These acts goes from purchasing goods for her...