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  1. B

    Girl mad because I asked her to shave

    I honestly really like this girl, we get a long great, she is my age for once, she has a great personality and she is very attractive. As lame as it sounds I feel like going there with flowers and apologizing but I also know that may be a big mistake. Just seems lame to let this one slip by...
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    Girl mad because I asked her to shave

    I think you are bang on. This girl is in her mid 30's, very hot and shes not as easy to game as most. Here is the last text exchange, a few minutes ago, after not hearing from her when we are supposed to be hooking up tonight; Me: It looks like you've made other plans, have a good night I'll...
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    Girl mad because I asked her to shave

    Ok so I have been seeing this girl for a couple of weeks, maybe half a dozen dates. No sex yet, I've fingered her and have come very close but she always shuts it down JUST before I think I'm getting in. The last shutdown was because she hadn't shaved and when I put my hand down there I...
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    Crack this chicks code!

    That sounds congruent to what I was thinking but needed to hear...So her last text was basically "can we still be friends?" ... I should respond by saying something like, "No, but we can hang out" ?? Or should I not respond via text and just call her to make plans? That is totally fine by me...
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    Crack this chicks code!

    Sounds very solid!I realize now in hindsight the missteps, but re-assess how? By agreeing to be friends and hang out with her some more searching for some indication she wants to elevate it?
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    Crack this chicks code!

    I don't want to be friendzoned by this chick I would rather not see her at all...I guess theres that hope that maybe she is just saying shes not ready because why even after I tell her how I feel and that i don't want to waste time and feelings is she so persistant in hanging out with me....I...
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    Crack this chicks code!

    Hey guys I'm new to the forum although a long time lurker, anyway let me explain my current situation with this girl I recently met. There was construction near my condo a couple of weeks ago and one of the safety girls and I started chatting. We made each other laugh and so we chatted again...