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  1. M

    Think I took it too far

    I'm weak. After no contact for only a couple of hours I cracked after she called and texted me over and over. I answered and told her I was upset and that I didn't want to talk. She sent me 8 more texts so I replied again. Eventually after trying to resist, it turned into a conversation and we...
  2. M

    Think I took it too far

    Basically what I'm saying is I think instead of being a Don Juan and a challenge I was just being a bad boyfriend and a ****. Am I wrong? Anything I can do?
  3. M

    Think I took it too far

    I think I took this whole Don Juan thing a little far. This girl and I had a thing for about 9 months. About a month ago she told me she was bored with us which scared me. After doing some googling about how to keep her from getting bored I eventually found this website and started applying the...
  4. M

    Do I have a right to be jealous?

    Over the last month I've been lowering my interest level because I had a feeling I wasn't being enough of a challenge. Once I saw her talking with that other guy and I started this thread I started to lower my interest level even more. Since I started about a month ago she has started telling me...
  5. M

    Do I have a right to be jealous?

    So today I was hooking up with her and after we were done I threw the condem away and in the trash can in her room was another condem. It couldn't be from the last time her and I had sex because that was 5 days before and we used a different color. I didn't say anything and am going to hold off...
  6. M

    Do I have a right to be jealous?

    This girl and I are basically dating. We're hooking up but we're exclusive and we've told each other we love each other but we haven't made it official. Anyways back when we first had started hooking up it wasn't exactly clear if we were exclusive or not. We had told each other we liked each...
  7. M

    Starting a journal

    So I never ended up saying anything to her about her talking with her ex. But the next night her friend was having people over and she was begging me to come over and see her. So eventually me and some friends headed over. She said hi when I got there and came over and talked to me a couple...
  8. M

    Starting a journal

    So I guess I left out a pretty big component, she used to date one of my roommates and so only some people know we are dating or whatever you wanna call it. All her close friends at school do and a couple of mine and then our friends and family from home know. Anyways, yesterday was our first...
  9. M

    Starting a journal

    So here goes my first entry (kind of a summary of where I am now). This girl and I have been seeing each other for about 4 months now, but I've known her for over 2 years. About eight months ago we really started talking and hanging out and made out a couple times when we were drunk. Then...
  10. M

    Starting a journal

    I'm a junior in college and I've been seeing this girl for about 4 months now. We had some rough patches last term and I had lost control in the relationship, but after beginning to read some posts on here and some of doclove's stuff I've started to regain some of that over the past month while...
  11. M

    Is this girl trouble?

    Aistippus I would agree with some of that; the part about how if she had a high interest level she would make excuses to hangout all the time. However shes not stringing me along for gifts and favors. We didn't do christmas gifts, whenever we go out for food we always split it, when we went on a...
  12. M

    Is this girl trouble?

    I guess I was asking for this, she's told me in the past she was worried I cared more than her and I always ignored it
  13. M

    Is this girl trouble?

    I have been seeing this girl I go to college with for about 4 months now and we are pretty serious. We are exclusive and have told each other that we love each other. However, she claims she doesn't want a relationship and seems to give me a different reason every time. Anyways, this hasn't...