Starting a journal


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2012
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I'm a junior in college and I've been seeing this girl for about 4 months now. We had some rough patches last term and I had lost control in the relationship, but after beginning to read some posts on here and some of doclove's stuff I've started to regain some of that over the past month while we were both home in separate towns for winter break.

I've decided to start keeping a journal on here with hopes that it will help me continue to regain the control I once had in this relationship and not lose it again.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2012
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So here goes my first entry (kind of a summary of where I am now).

This girl and I have been seeing each other for about 4 months now, but I've known her for over 2 years. About eight months ago we really started talking and hanging out and made out a couple times when we were drunk. Then summer started and I went home for the summer while she stayed at school. I knew she liked me and that I was starting to like her but I thought things would slowly die when I went home for the summer. Instead we ended up talking every day and eventually telling each other that we liked each other. I made her tell me first and I didn't tell her until 2 weeks later. After 2 months of being home I returned to school and we had decided to be basically date without the title. We were hanging out all the time, hooking up, and things were good and we both really liked each other.

Then one night I got drunk and hooked up with another girl. This is where I first think I began to lose the control in the relationship. The next day before I could tell her what had happened her friend who happened to be at the party had broken the news to her. She called me crying and told me we were done. After a couple days of me apologizing and basically begging for a second chance she told me she was willing to work on things and start over but that it would take her a while and we weren't together anymore for the time being. About a week later she got drunk and went out and hooked up with a friend. As soon as it was over she called me crying and telling me what she did and asking me to forgive her. After a couple days, I basically told her the same thing she told me when I hooked up with the other girl (this was another time I think I lost a lot of control and respect from her).

After this incident it took us about a month to get to where we had been before but eventually we were hanging out and hooking up again. Things were good again until we went on a road trip together. On the trip I was supposed to meet her mom one night. Before meeting her and her mom at a college football game, I went out with some friends and got black out drunk and ended up having her and her mom find me being questioned by the police. They helped me get home but you can imagine she wasn't happy with me the next morning. She told me we were done and that we could still be friends but after I had ****ed up again like this that we were just friends from now on. After me basically begging again (bad I know) she said that we could work on things but she still thought we should take a break.

This is where I really lost control in the relationship. After a week of working on things and not making much progress I told her I loved her. She hadn't told me yet but I had known for a couple weeks that I really did and I had a feeling that she did too. When I told her she told me she did too and it seemed as if me telling her had fixed things between us for the most part. We began hanging out and acting like a couple again but she was witholding sex from me saying she didn't want to have sex again until she felt like I really had everything together and things were good between us. After a month we still hadn't had sex again and it was almost time for winter break. I told myself that if things didn't change in the week before break that when I went home for break I was going to make a serious effort to change things in our relationship.

As you can guess they didn't change and so when I got home for break I started reading doclove's book and I also eventually found this forum. I began using what I was learning and we ended up hanging out over break and when we did we had sex. Since then I think I've slowly started to gain some control back as I've started following what I have learned. I especially noticed today when she said it seems like I'm not crazy like I used to be and that it drives her crazy and frustrates her but I can tell that her interest level is starting to climb again.

Anyways, I started this journal because tomorrow her and I return to school and I want to make sure that I stay focused and do not stray from the system once I am seeing her on an every day basis again.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2012
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So I guess I left out a pretty big component, she used to date one of my roommates and so only some people know we are dating or whatever you wanna call it. All her close friends at school do and a couple of mine and then our friends and family from home know.

Anyways, yesterday was our first day being back in town together. All week leading up to this she talked about how she couldn't wait to see me. Then yesterday when I got to town and had already started drinking and partying and didn't seem like she even cared when I told her I was in town. A couple hours later she texted me saying she was having people over later that night and I should come by with whoever. So me and a group of friends, one being my roommate and her ex, went over and she spent most of the night talking to him. It wasn't until later in the night when we had left and she came over to our place that she even acted like she liked me. She came over and insisted she sit next to me on the couch and kinda tried to sneak off with me but she got frustrated and left because I wasn't really receptive to any of it after what she pulled earlier


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
She sound like a fvcking big headache man!


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2012
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So I never ended up saying anything to her about her talking with her ex. But the next night her friend was having people over and she was begging me to come over and see her. So eventually me and some friends headed over. She said hi when I got there and came over and talked to me a couple times, but for the most part we didn't interact much as usual when we are in a large group setting because more often than not someone there doesn't know we're hooking up. Anyways she spent a big part of the night talking to the guy she hooked up with when we were on a break or whatever. However, she wasn't alone it was her and a friend and the guy and a friend. I waited patiently and talked to other people but after about 20 mins I became frustrated and left with my friends. Later she texted me asking why I left and i told her because she begged me to come over and then spent the whole time talking to that other guy. She told me I was being dumb and jealous over nothing and that they spent almost the whole time talking about some girl hes basically dating now. Eventually i dropped it because I know jealously only causes problems.

The next day she invited me over to hang with her and her friends. We all drank a little and then her friends left and we ended up hooking up. We had sex and she asked me if i wanted to come with her and her friends to go roller skating. I said no and went home and later when she was drunk she got mad and said I ****ed her and left and that turned into her being mad that were stuck being a secret. She apologized the next morning