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    Girl in gas station

    I enjoy many of your posts over in the A&D forum. I think it's a waste of your valuable time and mental resource posting here because these guys are indirect. Let them figure it out on their own.
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    How do I make an approach natural?

    Dark Haired Alpha Let me enlighten you on this. Cold approaches aren't supposed to be natural, so don't force it. Most guys don't have enough confidence to approach girls. Therefore, girls rarely get approached properly by a cool and confident guys. When a guy like you approaches her, of...
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    the sexiest most gorgeous girls like THESE qualities about a guy's looks:

    Guys like this usually do not find sosuave.
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    Everything Bad is Good, and All You've Learned is Wrong

    Excellent post BrotherAP! I'm glad that you're advocating a natural/direct game in an indirect forum. Techniques are LIMITATIONS.
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    how do you ask a girl out on a date with confidence??

    jigga23, I don't favor the advice of the majority because they are not congruent to their intention. The truth is you like her and you want to date her, why are you afraid to let her know that? Be honest with her, and more importantly be honest with yourself. Call her and say: Hi...
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    Nei Strauss - sellout or not?

    If a woman is attracted to you and at the same time knows you are using a pua technique, she will still feel attraction toward you.
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    Question for everyone, answer Honestly!

    A DJ wouldn't even put himself in such a position to be rejected in such a harsh manner in the first palce because he has already screened the girl. A DJ would also anticipate the kinds of reactions coming from the girl according to how he projects himself when he approaches her. The...
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    Eliciting Value and Demonstrating value-PUA style???

    -MasterYoda- Why do you feel the need the demonstrate high value (DHV)? DHV presumes that you are of inferior value in the first place because what you are doing is qualifying yourself. Furthermore, if you enter an interaction with already assumed superior value, then trying Elicit...
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    Do women give good relationship advices?

    There is at least one good advice women give and that is, "BE YOURSELF". Unfortunately, most guys don't know what "being themselves" mean and they behave like an afc thinking that's "being myself." However, DJs know that success with women comes down to truly "being yourself" without any...
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    The EC Test

    @ leeman67 Try to read women before taking action is usually counterproductive. A woman that smiles and gazes you could mean a lot of things. She could be interested or she just want to appear friendly/nice, or she's having a good day so she smiles at everyone. A woman that doesn't...
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    telling a woman she's beautiful

    -flyinshark- From experience, it has worked for me many times. The guys that use direct game will understand this concept more than most djs in here because djs and puas come from an indirect mindset You can say, "you're beautiful." and it could convey a host of things. 1)...
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    I am absolutely fed up with sh!t tests

    -johnnyrem- In order to dramatically REDUCE sh!t tests by any woman, you have to create the FRAME early in the interaction. You want to have the frame , "I have chosen you and I will not tolerate any disrespect from you or else I will walk away." When a woman tries to test you, she is...
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    How do you become more ballsy?

    -Ragin_Asian- Learn how to CONTROL YOUR STATE. Cold approaches become a breeze.
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    A Complete Guide to Conversational Vibing

    Spirit Fingers Great tips, thanks for putting in the effort. Your post goes well with TD's post on Social Vibing.
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    Need some sage advice! (1st post)

    A big reason why you may continue to mess up is because you think she's super cute and you are afraid to screw up. Anyway, I though a movie on the first date was not a very good idea because that time could have been spent more efficiently for developing rapport with her and rapport is so...
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    I get numbers fine but I can't get dates!

    -skinnydart- Attraction alone will generate a lot of FLAKES. Develop some RAPPORT with her, then take her number. You have to understand that Attraction is "in the moment" and it generates interest the moments you are there with her. However, after you are gone, it dies down because...
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    This is how a Myspace Proflie should read

    -Casino- My advice to you is this: You have demonstrated very good bodylanguage and confidence in that picture. With that ALONE, you have instantly conveyed to women that: 1. You are the PRIZE. 2. Women want you. 3. You don't give a ****. 4. You probably get lots of p*ssy. 5. You...
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    What The Hell Is Wrong Here?

    He used DIRECT style. His opener wasn't important, it was how he delivered it with the right tonality, body language, eye contact, sincerity etc... That girl may have heard that line many times, but this is the first time she FELT it. If done right, direct creates attraction instanenously...
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    Indirect approaches vs Direct approaches

    The power of direct is not the opener. Your belief, tonality, sincerity, honesty, & bodylanguage are more important. Usually you do not get rejected if you do it right because you create instantenous attraction inside of her in your delivery of the opener and the projection of your body language.
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    Don Juan Psychology -- Part I

    Flogger Can you post some good academic articles on EMOTIONS? I am more interested in how psychologists attempt to QUANTIFY them.