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  1. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Look I know myself I am not easy. Jeez I made a mistake get over it and I have almost gotten over him anyway. Did I say I have did this same type of scenario on numerous occasions? NO And by the way that is just the tint in the photo my teeth are not yellowish at all lol I am actually just a...
  2. S

    Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman

    What does pissed up mean?? Drunk?? Well at least I don't look butch thats the point I was trying to prove :) Ye must all think ye are god's gift :) Thank god I am not like that :)
  3. S

    Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman Its not a full length photo but I guess you still think I am wearing the lee jeans? LOL
  4. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Your only 23 just 2 years older than me so I would not consider you mid twenties at all or even approaching it lol Yeah thats fine you being an ex social smoker but if you hadn't given them up would you have commented on the pic in that way even though there wasn't actually a ciggie in my hand...
  5. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    You must think I must be some sort of alcoholic or something lol. It was a night out and I was not holding a cigarette in my hand, I was on a bus. But I do smoke but so does most other people lol :)
  6. S

    Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman

    Why has it turned to crap?? :o By the way you are still a d*ck And yes need we keep reminding you that yes you are sadistic and a right creep.. But good luck with whatever you are doing anyway, you seem to be enjoying it :) Note to self: Never decide to plan a holiday to Southern California
  7. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    I said I don't mind so that means fire away. But going by your "do you only want to hear what you want to hear", it doesn't sound like good feedback but anyway I don't mind every guy has their own opinion :)
  8. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Ammmm I don't mind like lol well if its bad feedback prob not lol :)
  9. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Ok I changed the photos to public, it should work now and if it doesn't thats it but thanks for taking my mind off that a**hole :p
  10. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    That is if he contacts me again because I sure am not! I am surprised that I even initiated conversations with him because I usually hate to initiate conversations with the guys that I am attracted to. I dunno maybe me saying to him to drop me off at the end of the road so that my parents...
  11. S

    Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman

    And what do you mean by that exactly, I am just curious lol :p
  12. S

    Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman

    Ha good one lol :p Your a nice brad anyway ;)
  13. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Well I am definitely not going to message him first from now on. But what if he decides to message me during the week and asks if I want to meet up for another night out with his friends and my friends which he did suggest but after his recent lack of contact maybe he was just saying that. I...
  14. S

    Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman

    You are still a d*ck!!! This guy that I have seen twice and who I banged twice is turning out to be an a**hole just like you. I bet your not even that good looking you just think you are. Stupid men with big egos, get over yourself, you actually think your brad pitt or something.
  15. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Well I don't just rely on looks, a guy has to have a decent personality as well. The annoying thing is that the 2 times I was with this guy we did get on very well together. But maybe that was because he was getting sex at the end of the night I don't know. Well I didn't go out this weekend...
  16. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    I am actually starting to lose a slight interest in him because believe it or not I like guys who show a lot of interest in me and initiate the contact most of the time. It makes me feel special I guess. I really don't get this thing where if you show a lot of interest in someone they become...
  17. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Well I still do think about him. As regards him being sh*t at contacting me. But that could probably be because he is not that interested in me. I am going to hold out and see if he contacts me first but to be honest I am starting to lose interest already. Are you on about your question...
  18. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Yes i do think I should meet other people as well. And I think the next time I will not have sex so soon because I normally don't :) Well thats a nice gesture bradd80 but I barely know you :) Well to be honest I don't really know this guy that I have seen twice anyway lol Toronto, in Canada is...
  19. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Yeah I know I am annoyed with myself for thinking about him this much. I just feel a very strong attraction towards him and it is not just sexual. I guess I am just disappointed because he even said his friends and my friends should meet up for a night out. So I thought that was a very good...
  20. S

    18 year old just left my house in kind of a fit

    Ehhhh but this girl doesn't want sex. I didn't say I didn't want sex with this guy. Heck the sex is great. Unfortunately I am starting to quite like this guy and the sex as well but he is giving me mixed signals. And I don't just have sex with any guy, especially if they are not great looking...