Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
you still look pissed up :)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
sassygirlie89 said:
Ye must all think ye are god's gift :)

Thank god I am not like that :)
good, because your not, god doesnt like ugly:crackup:


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Okay people, don't let Sassything bung up a perfectly good thread.

I still would have loved to see Zarky play this one out. When someone in the field gets experimental with dating or sex, it can really open up your eyes. When you know how a woman's emotions work, you can get things to work in your advantage. I've done it many, many times and it really pays off.

It doesn't make you a d1ck. It makes you a master of all women :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
^^^ Thank you, and here's the thing: Women Love Drama. Even more fun for a woman than having drinks and sex on a Friday night is getting her hamster all spun out and worked up and crazy and THEN having sex on a Friday night ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
I think anyone using the term "white knight" to disparage people criticizing a guy acting like a d1ck need to take another look at the definition.

A DJ isn't a sex-crazed sociopath. God this forum has gone to sh1t.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
I think anyone using the term "white knight" to disparage people criticizing a guy acting like a d1ck need to take another look at the definition.
Please enlighten us then.. what's the definition?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Please enlighten us then.. what's the definition?

I think I explained it pretty well in post 41. A guy who sees the typical maiden in distress, and believes that he can help her. A male version of the "mother figure" that some girls become.

To WK means to go out of your way to supplicate to a girl, to be extra nice, all in the hopes it will get you some play. It does not mean being a total d!ckhead and sadistic azz just because you can. This site is supposed to be about bettering yourself as a person, as a man, as a human being. By being as honorable, as manly, as noble as you can be. It is about furthering your career. Your family life. Your hobbies. Basically it is about being the best person you can be. If you think that means going out of your way to hurt a person who has done nothing but try to please you, as this girl in the OP appears to be doing, just for the hell of it-just to be mean, then you have a very sorry, depressive, empty excuse for a life.

I remember when I first came to this site 10 years ago or so. It was a bunch of guys who were working to better themselves as a entire person, not just to pick up girls. It was about values, and morals, and doing the right thing. The guy upthread was dead on. This site has gone to sh1t. How do you have that much time and lack of anything better going on where you can literally spend valuable time and energy going out of your way just to fawk with someone who, from what I can tell, has done nothing but treat you like a king?

I don't get it. Aren't you close to 40 years old? This is something a 16 year old kid would do. Don't you have better things to do Zarky?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I remember when I first came to this site 10 years ago or so. It was a bunch of guys who were working to better themselves as a entire person, not just to pick up girls.
See I think that might be the difference. I'm sort of an "OG" in the seduction community. Back in the mid- to late-90s seduction wasn't really about "bettering" themselves or the world, other than "bettering" yourself by learning how to bang more b*tches. It was about getting p*ssy, and to me it still is.

As I've said in other threads, the only thing I do that might be construed as a political move is I try to Pass the P*ssy Forward when I'm not able to hit it (or hit it anymore at least). I try to make the women I come into contact with put out easier and more inexpensively with the next guy.

Most guys I know do the exact opposite. For example, a friend of mine will whistle at pretty girls in the street. By doing so you've just upped her ego and made it harder for the next guy to bang her. If I see a pretty girl in the street and I'm not interested in gaming her, I ignore her or even roll my eyes if I see her. This brings her ego down, or at least doesn't inflate it. I don't do this for my own gain, but for the next guys'.

The "better thing he has to do" is to shame and attack others on here for daring to help other men become aware of and protect themselves from misandry.
That's silly. How are y'all "helping" other men? By b*tching non-stop? I tell men: Don't get married, don't have kids, don't knock up chicks, and be smart don't get yourself into a situation where she could cry rape. If you want to vote for lawmakers that further your MRA political agenda, go for it. I might too. But sitting around whining like babies about things you think aren't fair is hardly "helping" the world.

I think the reason I hate the manosphere is because they all seem like girlish whiners. I hate whining. The feminists banded together and got laws passed. Why don't you? In California they can send a guy to jail for failure to pay child support. Get a proposition on the ballot repealing that. I'll vote for it. But please stop whining.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Educating and informing about oppressive systems and paradigms that are beyond others' awareness is not "whining", but rather education and enlightenment.

I notice that the liberal mindset gravitates toward pejorative labeling in order to stir up emotions, kind of the way women need to stir up drama from time to time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
I will be one of the first people to say that misandry is alive and well in society. The fact that dictionaries such as the one sosuave utilizes (spell "misandry" and notice that it is underlined in red as a spelling mistake) don't even recognize the word makes me fall off my chair.

Men are bashed constantly in media and social outlets. It is good humour to make fun of men. But how dare you make fun of women in the media. Watch the angry letters and apologies fly!

Men are portrayed as bumbling idiots on TV while their female counterpart is of course portrayed as the sane and intelligent ones.

When a man does something courageous on the news, he is a "bystander", a "worker", a "roofer" etc, etc, etc

When a man does something bad on the news, he is a MAN.

Despite the above, I don't feel a need to treat all women like sh1t.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
You are just saying that because it's the "cool" thing to say right now. You don't even know what it means. I am really am getting exasperated at the number of guys on here who think being C & F means being an azz to someone just to hurt them. That is so far above and beyond to be extreme. Since when did it become the norm and cool to fawk with a person just because you can? I know that low class citizens with no life do that on the streets while in gangs and such, but fine, reputable, upstanding people? That's an ok thing to do now?

To WK means to go out of your way to supplicate to a girl, to be extra nice, all in the hopes it will get you some play. It does not mean being a total d!ckhead and sadistic azz just because you can. This site is supposed to be about bettering yourself as a person, as a man, as a human being. By being as honorable, as manly, as noble as you can be. It is about furthering your career. Your family life. Your hobbies. Basically it is about being the best person you can be. If you think that means going out of your way to hurt a person who has done nothing but try to please you, as this girl in the OP appears to be doing, just for the hell of it-just to be mean, then you have a very sorry, depressive, empty excuse for a life.
lol so sad , you think that blowing a date off is relateable to gangs ? what kind of sheltered life to you live ? if this guy wants to control this situation for what ever reason , who the hell cares , I for one am thankful that there are guys like him out there able to tell us what they are doing . not afraid of all the angry guys who are so desperate that they would cling on to any woman that would let them touch them

To me, what is a true sad sorry empty excuse for a life , is to constantly pass judgement on others , don't like someones method , don't do it or move on , nobody cares about your morals


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
sassygirlie89 said:
Why has it turned to crap?? :eek:

By the way you are still a d*ck

And yes need we keep reminding you that yes you are sadistic and a right creep..

But good luck with whatever you are doing anyway, you seem to be enjoying it :)

Note to self: Never decide to plan a holiday to Southern California
Good idea, because you could easily fall for a guy who would do the same thing to you , if works on all of you the same anyways throw a little drama in there n there addicted lol its comical really like additcs


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
I think I explained it pretty well in post 41. A guy who sees the typical maiden in distress, and believes that he can help her. A male version of the "mother figure" that some girls become.

To WK means to go out of your way to supplicate to a girl, to be extra nice, all in the hopes it will get you some play. It does not mean being a total d!ckhead and sadistic azz just because you can. This site is supposed to be about bettering yourself as a person, as a man, as a human being. By being as honorable, as manly, as noble as you can be. It is about furthering your career. Your family life. Your hobbies. Basically it is about being the best person you can be. If you think that means going out of your way to hurt a person who has done nothing but try to please you, as this girl in the OP appears to be doing, just for the hell of it-just to be mean, then you have a very sorry, depressive, empty excuse for a life.

I remember when I first came to this site 10 years ago or so. It was a bunch of guys who were working to better themselves as a entire person, not just to pick up girls. It was about values, and morals, and doing the right thing. The guy upthread was dead on. This site has gone to sh1t. How do you have that much time and lack of anything better going on where you can literally spend valuable time and energy going out of your way just to fawk with someone who, from what I can tell, has done nothing but treat you like a king?

I don't get it. Aren't you close to 40 years old? This is something a 16 year old kid would do. Don't you have better things to do Zarky?
your definition describes you perfectly , the read the post of zarky putting a girl in distress simply by standing her up , and here you come rushing in to lay shame on everyone from your high horse

this site has gone downhill , but not for the reasons you say , but for the fact that ppl who have been here a year or so think they know all , they arent open to learn more they have no curiosity to gain more knowlege

Desdinova said:
Okay people, don't let Sassything bung up a perfectly good thread.

I still would have loved to see Zarky play this one out. When someone in the field gets experimental with dating or sex, it can really open up your eyes. When you know how a woman's emotions work, you can get things to work in your advantage. I've done it many, many times and it really pays off.

It doesn't make you a d1ck. It makes you a master of all women :D
this all the way , if you dont like his harshness atleast look at it from a scientific standpoint learn something , seeing a real reaction to a planned emotional shock is priceless