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  1. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex?? Ok there's a pic but it has nothing to do with looks but maybe he has found someone better looking. I think I am decent looking and he keeps calling gorgeous so I don't think it has...
  2. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    yeah I did not think it was a bit stalkerish at all lol :) oh we will see if he messages me first lol :)
  3. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Well it was actually after 6 weeks not 7 weeks but I guess that doesn't make a difference lol! And it's not the length of time it took him to meet up with me, it's more the inconsistent contact that is driving me nuts! I am afraid to say I am not from your part of the world at all. Tornoto...
  4. S

    18 year old just left my house in kind of a fit

    But why would you bother reaching out to her if you are leaving in 2 months?? It's clear she wants more than just sex so I doubt she is going to crack knowing that you are leaving in 2 months. It's just sex you want isn't it??
  5. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Yeah that is exactly what I am going to do. I am just going to wait for him to message me first because if I keep doing it from now on I won't really know if he is that interested in me. I think we have both been fairly even as regards initiating the conversations. But more recently I have...
  6. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Thank you to the last 2 guys for your input. Yes I agree that an hour away isn't too far but even if I really liked a guy, I wouldn't be able to afford to go out every weekend especially if I had to travel for a half hour to the town what with taxis and all. He did tell me that he is saving for...
  7. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    No I am definitely not going to do that anyway smart ass! Maybe I am reading too much into this but I know I like him for more than just the sex but maybe he doesn't I am not sure. I was pretty sure he liked me for more than just the sex until he started not writing to me first on facebook. I...
  8. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    No he lives 40 mins away from the town where we met but he lives just over an hour away from my home place. It takes him 25 mins to drop me home from the town. So distance could be an issue too. He works every day as well so he couldn't possibly meet up with me during the week especially when he...
  9. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Hahhahaha very funny lol!! Ok I was just on facebook there and it happened again. He went online for a few mins, then went offline and then went online again for about ten mins and went offline again. Why is he doing this if he says he wants my friends and his friends to meet up??? I just don't...
  10. S

    3 dates then it all went very wrong?!

    She sounds like a right ***** to me. I know a guy is definitely interested in me if he waits a long time to have sex with me, he basically respects me. I would basically steer clear of her because as you said yourself you prefer girls who don't drop their panties after the 2nd or 3rd date.
  11. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    If I am being perfectly honest it wasn't until yesterday when he was online and he never messaged me first and then went offline, that just annoyed me because I don't usually like to make the first move! My gut instinct tells me that he does like me but it is early days yet but we just seem to...
  12. S

    Does this guy fancy me(like me) or is he just using me for sex??

    Ok so I met this guy on a night out almost 7 weeks ago. We were both really drunk even though I don't really get beer goggles so I could tell he was good looking and I don't just go off with someone I don't find attractive. So long story short we did have sex and the sex was great. He wanted...