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  1. L

    When you wake up pretend your wearing a crown

    Logged in just to agree with what everyone before had said: excellent advice. Thinking with this kind of mindset will really help the notion of thinking we are the "catch".
  2. L

    Best friend's girlfriend

    I wouldn't mind hooking up with a girl that has a bf, but never if its a friend. Even some pots are blacker than some kettles.
  3. L

    Made a mistake

    ^lmao thats beautiful.
  4. L

    Moving out the "friends zone"

    Why not kino? It does wonders for me, even women in relationship become more 'receptive' and reciprocate it. I even have problems keeping women as friends by becoming so touchy and sexual to them. This is all after learning about ss and becoming a DJ.
  5. L

    Is it ever appropriate to ask a friend if she is a virgin?

    Great thanks. I always knew I needed to escalate but didnt quite know how to transition between the different types of kino.
  6. L

    Is it ever appropriate to ask a friend if she is a virgin?

    Ah I see, so each time I touch her I gradually increase the amount of time my hand is on her?
  7. L

    Is it ever appropriate to ask a friend if she is a virgin?

    How should I go with the more overt kino such as holding my hand on her arm/hand/thigh?
  8. L

    Is it ever appropriate to ask a friend if she is a virgin?

    Say I do escalate up to the kiss but get rejected, would it not make it awkward between us in the future?
  9. L

    Is it ever appropriate to ask a friend if she is a virgin?

    Thanks for the input guys, much appreciated. Is there a more subtly way of doing this? The thing is, she's a part of my social circle in school since we have classes everyday and spend a good amount of time studying together. I'm more worried about burning bridges if the kiss test fails. But if...
  10. L

    Is it ever appropriate to ask a friend if she is a virgin?

    Purpose: Plant sexual seeds in her mind about me and MAYBE undermine her current relationship. But please don't argue ethics with me. Even though she has a bf, she is VERY receptive to my kino and she even initiates it herself. I've known her for a bit over a month and the first two weeks...
  11. L

    A bit mind f*cked

    Nicely said. I already understand she's not gf material and I'm already unattaching myself as I can feel one-itis creeping in. Hopefully the next time we have another 1on1 day, I'll do something to escalate. But in the meantime, I'll continue kino. However, I'm worried about the potential...
  12. L

    What do you tend to wear on a night out?

    -Slim fit jeans with boots like Timberlands -A cardigan with a vneck or a nice sweater top
  13. L

    A bit mind f*cked

    There are risks that come with the territory, like everything else in life. I've already considered what might happen. Thanks, I'll try to have a more laid-back approach at this and let her push the envelope while I escalate in baby steps. Do you mind explaining what frame? I'm new to...
  14. L

    A bit mind f*cked

    Well written and I really appreciate your insight. I don't expect a relationship from her and at the most - fooling around/or a fling. I'm trying to emotionally un-attach myself incase of a fallout and a major reason why I choose to pursue this chick is because its helping me get over my ex.
  15. L

    A bit mind f*cked

    I forgot to mention 2 separate incidents where: - she asked our mutual friend if I ever had a gf. The friend told her I had an ex that I broke up with a while ago and she sounded surprised. This was all relayed to me when I saw the friend again. - another one where I got her number, I told her...
  16. L

    A bit mind f*cked

    Yeah that would be the logical way to see if she's really interested. I'll try to increase kino and isolate her for some 1on1 time because I see her everyday as we have all the same classes.
  17. L

    A bit mind f*cked

    You have a point. But I've never dealt with a girl with a bf before, so this is uncharted territory for me.
  18. L

    A bit mind f*cked

    This chick I've been gaming for the past 2 weeks finally mentioned her bf. We were in a discussion about people we know who have a sickness/disease when she subtly mentioned "my boyfriend's friend had a tumor...". I almost didnt hear it but I kept the conversation flowing. She only mentioned...
  19. L

    What to do with a girl in a relationship?

    What does it mean when she asks a mutual friend if i ever had a gf? She asked her when i went to class instead of asking when i was there. The friend told her i broke up with the ex and she sounded surprised. This is the same girl in a relationship
  20. L

    What to do with a girl in a relationship?

    Excellent advice.