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  1. J

    A Little Knowledge From A Veteran : It's Real Simple

    I was crusin on the net, and decided to check this site out. Man, I cant believe they still have my username on file. As you can see, I came here in 2002. i had just graduated highschool and was a freshmen in college when i signed on to this site. Now i am 22 years old(Time flies!!). i ve...
  2. J

    Anyone live out in Houston, Tx?

  3. J

    The worst thing a person could ever look back on their life and say!

    What’s up fellas, At first I was writing this for the high schoolers, but actually this pertains to everybody. Let me tell you something that is worse than anything you can ever do in your life. You know what is? Not do anything at all. There's NOTHING WORSE in the whole world. I rather...
  4. J

    Jays Testimony. The turning point in life to change the AFC ways(a little long)

    Thanks for all positive responses. I never thought my post would get this many replies!!! In fact, I thought I might have gotten 4 or 5 at max. I thought nobody would really care about my testimony that much. I guess it hit home for some people!;) Anyway I appreciated all your feedback...
  5. J

    Jays Testimony. The turning point in life to change the AFC ways(a little long)

    Originally posted by Honey Shark Originally posted by Slashco The point of me posting this article was to show people here what idolizing girls will do to a person. I was hoping to give inspiration to someone who might be in that position right now. Why did my actions...
  6. J

    Jays Testimony. The turning point in life to change the AFC ways(a little long)

    What’s up Fellas! As I was talking to a friend of mine who used to attend the same High School as I, memories started to fill my head. This one in particular I remember like it was yesterday. Although I shared an experience in one of my post on what event caused me to change my AFC ways...
  7. J

    Lost all desire to lead a life

    "If you are going through hell, keep going"--- I Forgot the guys name who wrote that. :rolleyes: Hey man, this determines what kind of character you have? The stuff you are goin through will make you only stronger if you can pull your self together and face it head on. Like 2 pac said...
  8. J

    Gut Check Time Is What Really Seperates Afc's Form Djs!!!

    What’s up fellas! I would like to talk to you guys about a quality that’s not mentioned much in articles, but very important in getting females. I call it “gut check time”. I know what you’re thinking, “Well, what does Jay mean by Gut check time, what the heck does that have to do with...
  9. J

    This Thing Called Risk!!!!

    LOL. Thats funny but it is a way of staying motivated
  10. J

    This Thing Called Risk Are What All Afc's Are Lacking!!!

    LOL. Man you are so right about that!!
  11. J

    This Thing Called Risk Are What All Afc's Are Lacking!!!

    They're both good quotes!!
  12. J

    This Thing Called Risk!!!!

    thats a great quote
  13. J

    This Thing Called Risk!!!!

    I agree
  14. J

    This Thing Called Risk!!!!

    THIS THING CALLED RISK IS WHAT AFC'S ARE LACKING!! What’s up fellas!!! I haven’t read many post lately but the ones I’ve read are a little disturbing. “Will she like me?” or “What can I say to make her like me?” or the biggest one “I’m just too scared to go up and ask her.” (Sighs) I...
  15. J

    This Thing Called Risk Are What All Afc's Are Lacking!!!

    This Thing Called Risk!!!!! What’s up fellas!!! I haven’t read many post lately but the ones I’ve read are a little disturbing. “Will she like me?” or “What can I say to make her like me?” or the biggest one “I’m just too scared to go up and ask her.” (Sighs) I really cant get mad at you...
  16. J

    This Probably Never Happend To You Before!!

    Thanks for the advice
  17. J

    This Probably Never Happend To You Before!!

    I havent spoke to her yet.
  18. J

    This Probably Never Happend To You Before!!

    What's up fellas!!! Me and a friend of mine were finishing our workout at the gym. A girl who is probably one of the hottest I've ever seen walks by. It turns out that's the girl my friend wants to hook up with. He has a class with her and Ive seen her around as well. So we go get something...