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  1. T

    Have you ever gone to a bar or club alone and made it work?

    Find a few clubs and get "famous" in them. I've been going to clubs and coffeehouses alone for years. In fact, I'd rather work alone than with a wing man. But I have a strategy I've refined over the years, like in this article... How to Get More Dates By Being "Famous" Ya gotta start...
  2. T

    Your prime pulling age so far?

    It definitely gets easier as you get older...I think this vid hits the nail on the head as to why... 2 minutes every man should hear Something happens to your inner game when you've got a solid # of rejections under your belt too. You stop giving a $*%&, and it's like magic happens lol
  3. T

    The dangerous side effect of fiction and movies on dating

    Dude, I busted out on a rant like this too...bit different reason, but still based on the retarded way women measure attraction... She Was All About the Sex… Doesn't matter what Hollywood does though, creating attraction is based on primal human instincts and no amount of fairy tale BS is...
  4. T

    Asking a girl from Starbucks out

    Are we talking a chick who works there or a regular? If she's a regular, check out this post and do what it says... Why You Need to Talk to Everyone… Honestly, this works with chicks who are at work too. It works on every chick, you just need something a lot of us dudes don't have...patience.
  5. T

    fcuking games, is this text reply cool?

    No, you ended it perfect. Rule of thumb, always ask yourself: "Why do I feel like I need to say something else?" If the answer is anything like: "to validate myself," "to impress her," or "to apologize, argue or explain," don't say it.
  6. T

    I was physically persistent with her.... Now she thinks I'm a SEXUAL PREDATOR.... wtf

    $*&# test my friend. That's what we call that in the PUA world. She tested you to see if you're a tool she wants to ride or a tool she wants to jerk around. She's jerking you around because you failed her test. Here's how that happened... You kissed, her, she kissed back. Great...
  7. T

    Dating in early 30s

    Dating over 30 is a bit different because of women's biological clocks. Lot's of women who have been divorced and have some baggage and bitterness too. I suggest going for the girls in their late 20s who are holding out for the right man still. They have higher standards and aren't guided (as...
  8. T

    article: Why Men Are Settling for Mrs. Good Enough

    Not having time to date around is a big reason men and women settle. They get all worked up about their life ending if they don't get married at 22. Nuts
  9. T

    Ex girl friend tells me she's arrogant.

    lol, that's a rare women who will admit her faults. Sure she's not post op? lol
  10. T

    Random Hot Girl Adds Me On Facebook(PICTURES)

    Just wait and see if she starts marketing things to you. I would suggest writing her an email like: "Thanks for your friend request, I was hesitant to accept it because I don't know you...etc" Make her qualify herself, see what happens.
  11. T

    The girls is confusing: in person - flirty, texting - aloof and apathetic

    It's just games guys, women in high school play them. Women in college play them, so do women in their 30s and 40s (never messed around in the 50s age group, but I've heard they do it too). Bottom line, who cares what they feel about you? If you dig them, go after them without apologies. This is...
  12. T

    What is your success rate with women?

    I don't keep track of percentage rates but I have sex with about 3 or 4 new women a month. Not sure getting laid is a good way to measure success though. Lot's of the chics end up being more trouble than they're worth...drama wise that is.
  13. T

    Need DJ advice on getting over girl

    The best advice anyone ever gave me on this subject is: "If one girl is giving you problems, go get a few more." It's easy for this girl to stand out in your mind cause she's got nothing to stand against. I highly recommend dating more than one woman, and start asap. Check this out... In...
  14. T

    just tried getting out of friendzone - manning up - at your own risk

    True man. She got jealous, but she's not your girl. Never apologize for being a man, it makes you less of one. If you hadn't tried to "fix it" when she got mad and just played the ****y stud, I bet she wouldn't done ya.