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  1. B

    What now?

    From Sydney, went to Surfers for Schoolies (ofcourse) and nah the only thing i edited was taking one line out of the second post because i was going to write more but forgot to and realised after posting it, so just went back and deleted that line.
  2. B

    What now?

    Btw when i say hooked up i just meant kissing with tongue etc. for awhile, im still a virgin = S It's not quite as bad as before i suppose since i've fingered a chick haha. The actual fingering and even kissing at first was pretty weird lol, but what was awesome was when the girl was touching me...
  3. B

    What now?

    So I went through high school a virgin, never having kissed a girl and wasted practically the last two years chasing a girl who had far too many problems. I know it's all my on fault but some of the blame lies on this on the group I hung around with during school - bassically a bunch of mostly...
  4. B

    What should i do?

    She knows my emotions/feelings towards her so i dont care about that its just she is a bit confused about hers it seems. As i said in the post, and explained in further detail to you a few weeks ago by pm, she told me before that she didnt really want to be in a relationship - but its pretty...
  5. B

    What should i do?

    Ok ill try, not going to lie though im quite shy and get a bit nervous around her. I guess i'll go and try to hug her and talk a bit next time i see her (probably while last minute studying in library next week). BTW should i ask her out (well to see a movie i mean) in real life or through...
  6. B

    What should i do?

    I was texting her and she made a bit of a joke involving the concept of our english exam and a few texts later i did the same but bassically saying she should sleep with me lol (hard to explain without mentioning past texts and what the exam was about lol). She replied "Ahhh ______ :) You make...
  7. B

    What should i do?

    Well i wont try and force it then, she doesnt really know them - just spoken to the guy once on facebook (she doesnt have him added). Plus it would be dark inside though and the other two will probably be making out from the beginning haha. Any problems with how i was going to ask her out?
  8. B

    What should i do?

    We have quite important exams at the moment so i am going to wait until after them. I will ask her to come and watch a movie with and a friend of mine + his girl friend and I (he actually suggested it, she has spoken to him once but doesnt know him). I havent met up with her outside of school...
  9. B

    What should i do?

    Ive had a few threads and have pmed NorwegianDJ about this a few times before but i have no idea what i should do next, any suggestions? Ill try and keep this short: I liked this girl for a long time, finally said something to her and she told me that she didnt want to be in a relationship...
  10. B

    Give me some stuff to read lol.

    All of my other posts on this forum have been about this one girl that i guess i have had one-itis over for almost 1 and a half years. A friend ended up telling her that i liked her and she bassically said that she had already suspected i did and for a lot of personal reasons she really didnt...
  11. B


    Thought i might have been, how often is too much then? I want to talk to her often but dont want to seem to creepy, im afraid i wont realise if im being creepy until too late lol. Im planning on asking for her number soon so i can text and maybe call her, if i ask her that it will atleast...
  12. B


    I was talking to a girl over facebook chat and after like half an hour she told me that she needed to go and that she would talk to me later - it was around midnight btw. When someone says they will ttyl how long should you wait before talking to them? When i talked to her she had long responses...
  13. B

    Introduction post and need advice i suppose.

    Ok, so what im planning is to shortly talk to her anytime i see her after exams and then after that talk to her on fb and get her number, talk/text a bit there and then casually ask if she wants to go somewhere (ill find something haha) - i guess her answer will make everything clear and if she...
  14. B

    Introduction post and need advice i suppose.

    Sorry for the double post and bump but i need more advice and dont think making a new thread is worth it. I know i have oneitis really bad, but im not going to change my actions drastically until i have completely ruined everything - i think im going alright atm though. Basically, i realised...
  15. B

    Never wait for sex

    Think he was talking more about women who intentionally make guys wait for months.
  16. B

    Fat Loss (while still gaining muscle)

    If you are doing keto/low carb, remember to get enough fibre lol.
  17. B

    Soy-Based Protein Powder with low/no phytoestrogens?

    I only use whey protein myself, but i have read positive reviews about hemp protein - maybe you should try that? Before you ask the positive reviews were on bodybuilding sites/forums and not on some "legalise pot" website or something :p .
  18. B

    Introduction post and need advice i suppose.

    Wont bother with all the details but ive realised its going to be quite hard to talk to her (seriously im not being shy or anything, there is genuinely very few oppurtunities at school) unless she is on msn or online on fb chat - both rarely happen. She did/said atleast two things either in...
  19. B

    Introduction post and need advice i suppose.

    Hello everyone, im almost 17 and started reading The Game and looking at forums/watching The Pickup Artist a few days ago and it all seemed interesting to me so im here to learn a bit more. First thing though is id like some advice, so i suppose ill start the story from the beginning. Keep...