Introduction post and need advice i suppose.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone, im almost 17 and started reading The Game and looking at forums/watching The Pickup Artist a few days ago and it all seemed interesting to me so im here to learn a bit more.

First thing though is id like some advice, so i suppose ill start the story from the beginning. Keep in mind that throughout this i dont have a clue what i was thinking most of the time and its kind of embarassing now haha. Tried to keep it short but looks like I failed. Anyway yes im kind of geeky/nerdy but the girl in the story is as well (but also kind of hot :yes:).

It mostly started a bit over a year ago when she sent me a paragraph long birthday message on fb (haven't seen her do that again/before) - i must of been a fool but at that point i didnt realise anything. We shared some common interests so i used to talk to her a bit over fb. A few months after my birthday i got atleast 3 random comments on my formspring over a few weeks which said things like i was a good friend, sweet, interesting - i ended up recognising her writing style and she mentioned a few things that made it obvious it was her, this was kind of odd as id never really spoken to her irl much.

Not much happened because i was afraid my friends would find out that i liked her before she did - most of them are immature idiots who if they found out would ruin everything, one of them told me that some of the other were suspicous after they looked on fb and saw a lot of wall posts between us.

Anyway i started getting suspicous she might not like me (anymore?) and in the end she started going out with a guy who im sure was gay - i decided to just give up at the point as she was quite serious about him, he ended up breaking up with her after like 2 months though (heard her friends say "i guess he is gay then" after that xD).

Then randomly i overheard the weirdest conversation towards the end of last year. I was sitting on the complete opposite side of the class and thought i heard my name mentioned so i listened carefully, that girl and her friends were deffinetely talking about me as i also heard a few (positive) things mentioned which were 100% about me and then i heard her mention something - i cant remember it but she did say something about "i love.." at which point i was like wtf and missed the rest of the convo haha - still i didnt do attempt anything -.-. Theres quite a few things i left out, but its all pretty much the same/similiar kind of stuff to what ive mentioned already.

Anyway I think i probably already lost any chance i had since i was so beta then and dont care that much but anyway for next time (unless i just wait until after school haha) i have two questions:
1. How can i stop my friends from being idiots?
2. Do you think she ever actually liked me?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
You had the chance...but by not doing ****, you closed the door for yourself.
That's the raw truth for you. Next time, just go for it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
1. You dont tell your friends who you like, and tell them to **** off with ruining for you.
2. YES, obviously. She might still do.

What you do now is that you finish this. If you still like her, then go talk to her and ask her out. Going slow is not allowed on this one.

Also go for other chicks now, you shouldn't rely on just one.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
I'm with NorweiganDJ here.

As for your friends, just don't let them know. Also, keep your options open with girls; if you're in good standing with them all, nobody will be sure who you like.

She definitely did, and maybe still does. Don't sweat the fact that you didn't know before - we've all been there. I actually found out recently that two or three of my biggest one-itises had actally liked me back the entire time. I sitll kick myself for that.

But you sitll have a good chance with this one. I agree with N. about not going slow, but don't turn on complete flirt-mode either - that'll seem suspicious and out of character. As you talk to her, gently escalate. Be sure to use kino and stuff too, dude. Kino is one of the most powerful tools ever.

And take her out on a date. Don't say it's a date, don't make it seem like it's a date- you're just going out with a girl to have fun. Actions dates are good. If you play your cards right and use kino and such, then you'll have this in the bag, no sweat.

But still, keep your options open.

Good luck. :D


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Wont bother with all the details but ive realised its going to be quite hard to talk to her (seriously im not being shy or anything, there is genuinely very few oppurtunities at school) unless she is on msn or online on fb chat - both rarely happen. She did/said atleast two things either in class or while walking past that i interpreted as IOIs for eg. she seems to look at me whenever she walks past and we have eye contact often, even when theres a lot of others around.

I think Ill try to get her number next time i have the chance to talk to her, which will probably be on fb/msn. Should i be worried about being friend zoned lol, cant really do kino over chat so anything i should try?

In a month i will be able to drive so i will be able to go to the gym more often then once a week and have the oppurtunity to meet a lot of people (girls hopefully :up: ) from different schools which im looking foward to.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry for the double post and bump but i need more advice and dont think making a new thread is worth it.

I know i have oneitis really bad, but im not going to change my actions drastically until i have completely ruined everything - i think im going alright atm though. Basically, i realised that it was almost impossible for me to be able to talk to the girl i mentioned - only class i have with her is hard to talk in, she hangs out with a few girls in an out of the way spot, etc. I was going to post asking for advice back then but decided not to until the luckiest thing happened lol.

A friend (who knows i like that girl) and i were sitting with another friend at that guys bus stop and she went there and sat next to me, i kind of froze up and just continued talking to my friends. It would have been difficult to try and talk to her because even though she was next to me i was sitting facing the opposite direction, still im annoyed i didn't at least say hi. Just as annoying however is that the friend i was talking to could have got her involved in the convo but just said "Hi" when she randomly looked up at us (meanwhile im still frozen haha).

A few days later a similar thing happened, but instead she walked straight up right in front of where i was sitting and began by saying something to one of my friends. I started talking to her and once i was in the conversation none of my friends spoke to her at all and she didn't try and talk to them at all really.

Then the next day before school i saw her walking somewhere, judging from where i first saw her and where i next saw her it seemed as if she deliberately walked a longer path to the same spot just so i would see her walk past - idk for sure but i think thats a big indicator? Then later in class she had her head rested on the table for a while and was staring possibly at me or if not towards that direction. That afternoon i was at that bus stop again (can only really go there 2 days a week and i think those are only days she catches that bus anyway) and just like the first time she came and sat next to me - there was plenty of other spots to sit including next to my friend but she came and sat close to me, so because of what had happened earlier in the day i knew i had to speak to her but i was more nervous then the first time even. I ended up speaking to her but unfortunately her bus came early and that was over in 5 mins = (

Now ive turned 17 (in last few days) and exams start next week - i will be driving to school by the time normal school resumes. Unfortunately that means i cant talk to her at bus stop anymore (i would have to wait around school for like an hour on them days, which rules out going to that bus stop or offering to drive her). I was planning on trying to get her number over fb if she posted something on my wall on my bday (especially if it was long like last year, keep in mind that afaik she doesnt know the date and just sees on fb events) but i guess she was busy with studying and didnt get to try that.

So imo she likes me but now i have no idea what to do next = S.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
You go and get that. Invite her out. Do something. I've said it too many times already, but carpe the **** out of this diem.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Ok, so what im planning is to shortly talk to her anytime i see her after exams and then after that talk to her on fb and get her number, talk/text a bit there and then casually ask if she wants to go somewhere (ill find something haha) - i guess her answer will make everything clear and if she says no its not a real big deal.