

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
I was talking to a girl over facebook chat and after like half an hour she told me that she needed to go and that she would talk to me later - it was around midnight btw. When someone says they will ttyl how long should you wait before talking to them? When i talked to her she had long responses and kept the convo going for quite a while, where she could have easily ended the conversation or said not much.

That girl rarely has fb chat on (practically never) but the next day she was on quite often. I waited until the day after that before i talked to her again. She took a few minutes to respond and then said she was busy with something and once again she would talk to me later, i looked on her profile and she had actually told someone else that she was doing the thing she said she was busy with but she was still commenting on stuff occasionally so im not sure if she was just using that as an excuse = S.

Did i talk to her too soon, was she just being nice in the first place and didnt actually want to talk to me later or does what she said the second time not matter and i should just try again later? I do go to school with her and my previous thread was about her (http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=182381), i dont have school for 3 weeks though and as i explained in that thread i dont often get the chance to talk to her at school anyway.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Overanalyzing. It's more about how often you talk to her, not when. It's all guidelines anyway.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
Overanalyzing. It's more about how often you talk to her, not when. It's all guidelines anyway.
Thought i might have been, how often is too much then? I want to talk to her often but dont want to seem to creepy, im afraid i wont realise if im being creepy until too late lol.

Im planning on asking for her number soon so i can text and maybe call her, if i ask her that it will atleast give her an oppurtunity to make up some excuse if she really dislikes me and i wont waste any more time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Lets say once every 3 days then. Rules are made to be broken anyways.
Just have an aim in mind. ie meetup, increase attraction then meet up. And no inaction.