I got canned from my job now. This girl i worked with is married. It seems like she has some interest even though. We would just chat friendly sometimes at work. She would kinda indulge in convo with me a little and ask about my weightlifting. I told her about me getting fired and she disagreed...
Basically I met a girl and her cousin while I was out and got them drinks and she liked me and we were talking for a while. This guy kind of interrupted her basically and took her to the side and was talking to her for a while and got her to exchange numbers. We walked off again and he kept on...
I got several numbers this weekend from the mall, I talked to a few for a good while 5 minutes or one was like 20 minutes. But I got the number nothing came from it. One girl ignored me when she said she gets off at 9 and I would call her then. Other girl seemed interested asking me questions...
We met in town had sex few hrs later and i used a condom. We talk a bit off and on she is now worried aboutnot having peroid and texted me yesterday morning about needing money for abortion and then she called at night. I ignored her so far. What is her deal? Why is she doing this and what...
Came back from chicago it was best vacation I had as the new me. I was able to pull 2 chicks per say. The first one I was out in the streets of michigan ave. and we were really into each other and ended up ****ing in the station. i still stay in contact with her she is always horny and **** on...
Because i have been saying stupid retarded **** talking about my past or mentioning lover vs provider etc... Women keep getting turned off and flaking on me THEYRE NOT EVEN HOT FOR GOD SAKES. How do you make inner game for yourself?
It seems like ANYTHING I ****ING DO OR SAY is held against me in a court of law of attraction with females and it makes no god damn absolute sense at all. I am sick and tired of this **** I cant take it anymore I need help I would seriously appreciate if someone could add me on skype and help...
Lol I got this cute girl I met the other days phone number we texted I teased her a little said when I texted her I saw this cute girl I had to say hi to her and stuff she would type lol and weird smiley faces I got her to go out on date tomorrow so I am just glad not worried about big girl now!
i understand the mystery have women chase but HOW TO BE IT exactly!? What do you say to women at these moments or how do I know what to say?!?? DO I need routines or what!?
Point is how do I get rid of this how do I stop? THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK OUT FOR ME this has happend to me several times more than once. Its like she bugs me and **** and wants me to open up and know about my past and everything.
I have these internal issues we connected emotionally like I said we talked about this stuff. Also I remember we were at bar she was talking about her ex husband I remember saying this is how the world is people are the way they are talking somewhat negative. I showed her my yearbook. Look at...
she seemed very interested in me and even said she fantasized about me before and we made out almost had sex and everything. Only thing I know I did wrong she wanted me to open up and talk to her about my past and just told her things didnt work out with ex and also when i learned about lover vs...
Well heres my problem. When i connect to a woman emotionally i want to talk about lover vs provider crap and stuff like that. So i need to know how to go about this? Where to learn common sense social rules
Like about pickup for example when you need to lie certain situations or act a certain way in social areas of life besides the machivellian and 48 laws of power. Like we had to lie to these guys to get them to a fake address so we could pull these 2 girls. Where can i learn things like that for...
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