Do you set the date up then and there? She seemed interested in me was investing and subtly touched me but she not responding to text i sent what do yall usually do?
Interesting meeting you ms tmobile dont get too cray this halloweekend
I went and bought a shirt there she seemed kinda interested. I never been in there before she wanted to show me around she lightly touched me a few times showing me around. When I went to buy the shirt she asked if i come here often I told her i dont usually and she said I should. We talked a...
I told her we would do it again soon no reply. I tried to call her nothing. She replied back when i sent a funny pic of me and sent smiley face said hope you have a good day. So what value texts could i send and have her be comfortable again to go out with me? Obviously cant say you dont want to...
Went on date last night only mistake i made is the kiss.... I wasn't trying to kiss her while we were playing pool afterwards i noticed she would let me go in for it which i messed up. Then when we were done and chilling i asked if you were a good kisser and tried to go for it and she said "im...
I aint going to eat out anymore unless ive been dating a girl a while... I dont care what anyone says its just really frustrating for me when you just want this **** to workout specially with chicks your interested in. This past year ive put my life into myself more then anything and it has paid...
I get that and I will but i want to fix what happend with this girl and know what I can text her tomorrow to try to get her to be cool with me again I had fun with her it was just the end I pushed a little too much.
Well dude the trouble i had to go through to get this date and have her interested in me and **** up and she wont talk is pretty annoying and im tired of this ****
well how do i learn to not be so desperate? how do i handle esclating? How do I make myself read a women properly I guess when she is not as into it just take step back?
For the end i went a little too far ate her out and i kept trying afterwards to keep kissing her and she was pushing me off and she wasnt into it i could tell. She seemed a little upset tried to comfort her and said i told you didnt want to have sex on 1st date and she ended the date and i just...
Something is wrong here. We talked on the phone she EVEN said we got to meetup i know that i am doing something wrong. I dont have money for man***** so i need help
We talked on phone the other night said shes down to come out. sHE even suggested meeting up and now today i tell her to meet me at the place at 8pm and be ready for some pool and now shes giving me a hard time.
Alright well how do you engage the girl in text next week though. Ill text her monday what do I send?
I dont know how to re engage her and start a new convo I got to start fresh now.
she wont reply to my text tonight for going out what is best way to get her to respond?
Like to check out the main st. Ill be headin out later tonight. You ever hang at Big Daddys? I hope you dont look as good as that or ill pretend i dont know you lol.
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