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  1. S

    Whats the deal I get womens number at mall they ignore?

    Okay so what do you do then to get these women interested in you so they will go out with you? And also a girl said she would be my friend well she still ignored me wtf??
  2. S

    Whats the deal I get womens number at mall they ignore?

    Because I ask if they like ice cream and I say lets go get some most of them try to make excuse or say I have a boyfriend or I am living with him or something...
  3. S

    Whats the deal I get womens number at mall they ignore?

    I talked to these women for a good reasonable amount of time, they were laughing we talked for like 10 minutes or so and this one girl let me walk her to the car and let me hug her and was laughing and talking with me and stuff. I try calling and texting today and ignoring what is the deal? What...
  4. S

    Text experts only how do I progress this chick onto a date?

    She isnt a prize but she isnt going out with a guy who doesnt show any fun for her dont you get it? So i think im prize but i text her boring **** she will go out? Smart thinking.
  5. S

    Text experts only how do I progress this chick onto a date?

    Man ***** told me what to text she CAME OUT on date its possible!!! You have to put in work if girl isnt fully interested she is medium fuse have you read the braddock text book?
  6. S

    Text experts only how do I progress this chick onto a date?

    You guys dont get it. when you just ask her out that DOESnT wORk. she ignores me when i only texted twice then asked her out. Man***** was able to get her emotionally in me and had her conversate and when out on date. So i need to know what to text her to have her interested
  7. S

    Text experts only how do I progress this chick onto a date?

    This was at nighttime. Me - Hey how was your weekend get into anything crazy? 8:44pm Me- That funny baby photo 8:54pm Her - Lol 8:55pm Her - And my weekend was laid back because I got tooth pulled and was on meds but this weekend I plan to throw a few shots back :) How was your weekend I...
  8. S

    Learn masculine way of speaking

    Any teachers or books for this? So i know-how to talk to a girl proper non feminie way
  9. S

    So this chick not replying waits a day to text back what to do?

    Ok well what the heck do yall talk to girls about on the phone to get them out on a date? Do u call them and what convos do u get them in so they into you?
  10. S

    So this chick not replying waits a day to text back what to do?

    Well we havent went on a date yet though could i just invite her to crib tonight just see what happens? How would i text back to do that?
  11. S

    So this chick not replying waits a day to text back what to do?

    We had setup for Sunday so i texted her saturday night said what you up to she said goin good i said went to show etc.. I texted her sunday with date and time to meet and she never responded i sent 1 more text no reply. She texted me this morning sorry i had alot going on last night. When are...
  12. S

    Women being wishy washy and flaking through text

    What do i need to do exactly in conversation or ask them to get them emotionally involved interested in me so they will go out on the date?
  13. S

    How do i fit in society with the world so people wont resent me or be negative?

    Dark triad sounds like best option because the past knew me as a goofy dude so i would say i have to hide my ways. What do i need to do or read or get to do for this?
  14. S

    How do i fit in society with the world so people wont resent me or be negative?

    Okay well i have been living life and not caring and well my friend has fb and i dont use it anymore. We just goofin around and he looks up to me because im doing better he asks me questions i feel like i said a little too much sayin about being your best self and man or woman depending on woman...
  15. S

    Ok so i got girls number from club last night how do you ask out?

    How many times do u text? I texted back with her few times tomorrow was gonna say "hey im gonna be goin up to dnb on wensday night at 730 and id like you to join me" Sound good?? Or wjats
  16. S

    Girl wants me to be there with friends on date

    She said who you goinf with youself i said yeah cone roll with me she didnt reply then i just lied and i said a few buddies meeting me there she said okay sounds nice and i told her meet me there at time she said okay. So whats the deal i have to have friends is it cool to lie about it? Just say...
  17. S

    I am so ****ing dead she said I was the american PIE GUY

    This date was from hell and please do not tell anyone about this date. But man I have been becoming confident to a put where this client I was attracted to called on end of the week and asked her out. She said, you have my number I was like awesome. I called her sunday tried to ask her out and...
  18. S

    She came in store i had boner it was hard to hide what to do?

    Do i need to jack off before date or what do i do?
  19. S

    On day of text do u guys text in morning or just after work sayin your on way?

    Just checking i got new date tomorrow with a cute client from work and trying to see what to do. i dont see big deal either way. Also whats best way to get her to my house from dave and busters? And do you text day after or wait couple days to call and ask for the next date? What if we have sex...
  20. S

    what is the deal with getting a girls number and next day nothing?

    the rapport i had was like 5 minutes and she seemed receptive and she texted me back when i got number said hope you have fun be safe said lol i got u. and i tried hitting her up today she ignored so obviously something happend within 24 hrs that changed her mind. So what I am saying is do I...