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Search results

  1. P

    Ex is confused?

    Exactly, she means nothing to you. Don't ever contact her or respond when she contacts you. 14 thousand in the hole and unemployed....that would only drag you down anyways. Good save for you!
  2. P

    Girl with a boyfriend is texting me

    Ya never ruin a future possibility by telling them off. It's amazing how quickly they go from having a boyfriend, to being single, when you make their cootch tingle.
  3. P

    Feel like half a man right now..I wanna spin plates

    ^^this. and if a potential chic asks about your living situation, tell her your parents are staying with you temporarily till sept. :D
  4. P

    Made a complete balls of getting dumped by ex!!

    I think you should leave it alone....say nothing. Saying nothing is usually better than saying anything. You will rarely ever get the reaction you're looking for....on the contrary you usually get the opposite. Just drop her. NC starting now.
  5. P

    Wow. Had a girl to over to my place and...

    happens to the best of us! Be distant, see if she comes around. She might.
  6. P

    No sh1t tests from younger girl. Common?

    Yep. This is how my last LTR went. On our first date she laughed at even the dumbest joke I said. I knew I was "in" from date one. The $hit tests began/took effect 3 months later, right after the "where is this relationship going" talk that she initiated.
  7. P

    Double Date Good or Bad?

    You're kinda setting yourself up for failure by thinking that way already. If you met her already in person and she's good friends with your friend, then go for it i say. keep it light and fun.
  8. P

    Does anything else matter more than LMS?

    He was gaming 7's at best...but still...how he was able to get them wet (at least the look on the girls faces and body language) so quickly was amazing to see.
  9. P

    Does anything else matter more than LMS?

    ^^THIS I saw my brothers friend who's married, game girl after girl one night when we were out. He's overweight (big gut hanging out) and is not wealthy by any means. But damn if he isn't able to get a girl wet just speaking/looking at her for 5 minutes. I was astonished when I saw him...
  10. P

    When to Stop Dating Other People?

    For this only you can pick the right answer. Do what YOU are comfortable with.
  11. P

    Ex as FB

    ya if you can keep yourself from caring for her then keep doing no contact and getting free poon. I did this once and kept it going another year after our breakup. She would text 2 or 3 times a month for me to come over to her house. I kept bangin her until I got bored.
  12. P

    Is no counter offer an automatic NEXT?

    This is what I would do. And suggesting meeting for drinks isn't always bad. I'd say it's 50/50. I've had lots of dates counter offer with a meetup for drinks, if I had suggested coffee.
  13. P

    Sex, Regrets, and Family Court (my 500th post)

    agreed. I've actually turned down opportunities because I foresaw having issues or they were baby crazy to the point they didn't care who seeded them as long as they got knocked up. I had one crazy fling where she said "if" I knocked her up, she would tell the dude she liked (a person living...
  14. P

    Girl trying to hook me in a relationship

    ^^ If it gets to the point of annoying drama, then a quick dump will be in order. In the meantime free poon. :D I could have had another 3 months of poon in my last relationship if I'd not opened my big mouth and responded honestly to a question like that....learned from it!
  15. P

    Girl trying to hook me in a relationship

    ^^This. It's quite amazing how much smoother things go if you just agree then do what you will regardless. It's the way to go...until you get bored. Wow though that girl is fast. Most don't bring that up until you've been fvcking every weekend three months straight. Watch out for "needy"...
  16. P

    Fvck It

    It is weird, but that's how it is/how they roll. Good that you understand that now. Just put her out of your mind...whatever it takes. Once you meet a new interested girl you won't think of the ex.
  17. P

    One of the things I cannot get about the game.

    Absofreakinlutely! For me it's when I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week/making progress and having a full busy schedule. Puts me right in the mode! I've had other times (if I feel down or depressed) and going on a first date in that mindset, usually meant there wouldn't be another because I...
  18. P

    How Many of You Still Call for Dates?

    I'd call, but the last group of (met online) dates I've been on they all only gave me their number right before meeting up. Just in case something came up last minute. I asked 2 of them for their number well before that but they just ignored the request. Both told me later they'd been...
  19. P

    Dressing nicer is getting expensive

    If you've got your measurements down, Ebay is actually a great place to save on expensive clothes. When I last redid my wardrobe, I bought 4 pairs of NEW or barely worn Rock and Republic designer jeans (retail $ 300 ea) for less than $ 80 each.
  20. P

    Dumping my 1+ year gf

    You have a good point, but I stand by my words. I lost a great girl once because of thinking too much about the grass being greener. Thats my point.