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Search results

  1. A

    After coming back from months, I feel like this board is in a bad health

    I think it is a better place. Those complaining about trolls (myself at times) don't remember either the dozens of trolls in the Health and Fitness section or the crazy dude Ddree or whatever his name was in the Anything Else section, or the dozens of other people trolling in the regular...
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    Cons of protein shakes?

    The only arguable bad thing about protein shakes is the fact that some companies have a lot of contamination with heavy metals. For example in the past (2010-2011) EAS had a lot of arsenic , MuscleMilk had a lot of lead, etc. Optimum Nutrition consistently has negligible amounts of heavy metals...
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    America's new 'thing' is on display.....

    Do you know why football players do this? By publicly going for support in controversial topics, it gets people on their side, so their mediocre performance can be overlooked. Chris Kluwe tried this. Tried to make a big fuss about being fired for his remarks, when in actually he was one of the...
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    Video on Effects of Alpha Body Language

    Ah but there is, at least indirectly. It doesn't only change attitude and mood, it changes your HORMONES. http://www.people.hbs.edu/acuddy/in%20press,%20carney,%20cuddy,%20&%20yap,%20psych%20science.pdf "The neuroendocrine profiles of the powerful differentiate them from the powerless, on two...
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    Continue NC or be forward with her if she's having Buyer's Remorse?

    She's not interested at the moment. She'd rather hang out with her little than you is the first flag. She also doesn't want to talk about things with you, nor should you want her to. Several things you could have done to change the situation for next time: 1)Don't invite her to a birthday...
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    Question for guys who have been in interracial relationships and got hate for it.

    On the next episode of THE OPPRESSION OLYMPICS we see a battle between two races, black and asian. Both of them are downtrodden by all of society, but which one has it worse? Which one is hated the most and can take the grand prize of BIGGEST VICTIM? Find out, in this riveting NEW race thread!
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    Define what it means to "be a di*k" to women.

    Here is what I have suspected for a long time: Most people who fail with women have terrible social skills, and not only that, they are on the extreme end of the supplicating nice guy side. So then they go to a site like heartiste or so suave.net and hear advice like "Be an a$$hole". Now they...
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    A Storm Is Coming....

    "-Last time I see her she tells me in August we will get back together if I want, I say ok cause still have feelings and i have a girl to be with until then" You are a plate of hers, and she was just keeping her options open. Women always say stuff like this, and men believing her, wait with...
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    Slept with Acquaintance's GF? How to Proceed?

    Wait so you sleep with the girl, and then you are worried about physical contact with a girl in the relationship :confused: Interesting You aren't stupid, you already know what she wants but you are hesitant for some reason. Question is why? I can't really give advice until you tell me...
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    What if you smoked as much as Wiz Khalifa?

    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC100921/ "Current marijuana use had a negative effect on global IQ score only in subjects who smoked 5 or more joints per week. A negative effect was not observed among subjects who had previously been heavy users but were no longer using the...
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    Good movies you've seen recently

    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1979320/ A movie about two different men and what makes them the best of their domain and how they clash heads. If you saw the Prestige with Christian Bale, it is somewhat similar, except a racing backdrop as opposed to a magical backdrop.
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    Six Pack in Two Months 1-23 to 3-21

    Rofl you are hilarious
  13. A

    Sosuave Hate Site

    dude its encyclopedia dramatic lol
  14. A

    Y'all just wasting your time

    As do I OP
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    This just fvcked me up a bit

    What were you an addict to and how were you an a$$hole? If you know your bad habits that led to a split with your ex, you can change correct?
  16. A

    Substitute teacher accused of intimate relations with students

    Yeah I can see that. The problem is the law will always fail at one point, there will never be a perfect justice system, so keeping that imperfection in mind, what kind of laws do you want to make? You make a law too weak, people walk over it, you make a law too strong, as you said, some people...
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    The Friend Zone from a female prospective (Internet Forum)

    This took me a long time to understand but when I did I hit myself in the head over and over for being a retard. Girls don't want you to treat them like friends. She has enough friends. If you attempt being a lover and a friend you end up with one-itis all the way through. Because you mistakenly...
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    article: Millennials: Society Will Be Just Fine Without Marriage

    This guy also gets it! Do you see the panic of the Japanese government because of all the herbs? Since the Japanese man is so devalued by his boss, his corporations, his wife (who takes all his money) and his family he has no incentive to work for any of that sh!t. And now the Japanese...
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    article: Millennials: Society Will Be Just Fine Without Marriage

    And you end with another poisoning the well argument. You have no basis for any of your arguments, I address it at every turn, you don't even read the paper and make ad-honimen attacks, and then you end your argument with "you can't get laid". But ya man those guys are retarded, fvck those...
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    Substitute teacher accused of intimate relations with students

    No worries I don't expect everyone to agree with me all the time. Rather I respect that. 1. You might not see it publicly. Flirt in class, but usually the other stuff goes on elsewhere. 2. See below for my counter-argument about quid pro quo. 3. While it might happen without the sex right...