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Search results

  1. T

    How do you genuinely get friendzoned?

    i have the perfect solution for you.....tell the girl that you think you might be gay. chicks love to be friends with gay guys
  2. T

    Wouldn't it be better to use ugly girls for practice?

    i disagree, its not a good idea. practicing on ugly girls will not lower you anxiety when gaming hot ones. plus hot girls are more difficult, the've been hit on way more, and have way more social awareness for boring men's bad game. all this will do is help you memorize and practice your...
  3. T

    Nice date with HB8, Kiss Close, should I see her again tomorrow?

    that's BS, what it really means is she is ready to date.....just not you. that text you sent was pretty lame too, she found it boring, and just like every other guy, not original. never send a text that says "whats up?" remove that from your text vocab completely. this chick is done so def...
  4. T

    'Give me your number instead'

    this number close works really well if you have anxiety or trouble with asking, or you dont want to make it look obvious while her friends are around. remember dont say anything, just hand her the phone, and keep talking about whatever you were talking about. its just common sense!
  5. T

    Nice date with HB8, Kiss Close, should I see her again tomorrow?

    give her the gift of missing you. this will also build some anticipation for your next date. the next couple of calls or texts should be very short without feeling the need to ask her out. keep her on her toes. over calling her or having a long text convo the next day shows her needyness, you...
  6. T

    Help wd b much appreciated. It's driving me insane...

    you hung out with her everytime she suggested. you are no longer a challege to her. she could have you whenever she wanted. this happens to newbies generally because they have no other options. she probably knew that pretty quickly. if you dont have any other options, get some, or act as if you...
  7. T

    Almost lost virginity..

    there's a good chance she now sees you as a beta male for not giving her what she wanted. she obviously wanted you to initiate sex with her. you failed when you didnt pull the trigger. i wouldnt be supprised if she's no longer attracted to you. next time you are in the situation where she lets...
  8. T

    'Give me your number instead'

    giving a girl your phone number will not work most of the time. the correct response to that is "i only exchange numbers" however, it means you have not built up enough attraction, so even the exchange most times wont really get you anywhere. also when number closing always have a reason for...
  9. T

    A nice guy that gets the babes?

    he does get inital attraction because he is good looking. but thats not enough to keep the girl. he must maintain the attraction and pass congruence tests (s.hit tests). if he is getting laid my guess is that his nice guy conversations, are probably very "emotional" and he skips right into...
  10. T

    2 nights, 2 fails ... How can I improve?

    you had 2 girls attracted to you, and you failed to pull the trigger. even though one of the girls you thought was boring, you still could have banged her if you escalted kino on her. the other girl you never approached when you should have. european women are a lot more open sexually than...
  11. T

    How to stop/hook women who are walking?

    girls on the move is a tough one to open and hook. it just does not have a very high success rate, not my cup of tea. one thing that you cannot do is follow after them. it does not show high value. you can run your game but it will turn into a creepy vibe cause you are following. it shows...
  12. T

    Weird ending to a first date

    it was def a brush off. couple of reasons, if she doesnt return you calls or texts, you did not build up any attraction. if she goes out with you again, you built attraction but did not escalate on her properly and she was uncomfortable. when you go out again build more comfort and escalate kino...
  13. T

    TIC's Approach Journal

    let me give you some advice from what i have read in all your posts here. first off let me congratulate you for taking the first steps in changing you life for the better and starting this game. you have had limited success but at least its a start. dont get frustrated, it really does take a...
  14. T

    Reciprocation Issue

    with all due respect bro....you sound like a woman! man up and quit acting like a little b.itch! i get it that you miss her, but there's nothing you can do about it. that was a horrible thing to do to your lady is to break up with her like that. that was guilt trip all day. for your sake i hope...
  15. T

    Improvement Journal

    i'm not really into day game, but from what i'm reading, it sounds like you do need lots of help. first thing i notice is you are not building any attraction. it sounds like you are just asking them interview style questions. you need to bring up more interesting topics. get her talking about...
  16. T

    paying for a girl...

    there's a big difference between paying on a first date and being labeled as cheap. the best way to avoid this is to do something cheap on a first date. get away from taking girls out to dinner at expensive restraunts. thats been field tested and doesnt work for you anyway. cook for them at your...
  17. T

    "A Man is Only as Faithful as His Options"

    one thing to also keep in mind fellas, if your gf knows you have mad skills in picking up women, and she should, thats one of the attraction switches is being pre-selected by other beautiful women, your gf is less likely to cheat. even if your gf is a hard 10. you still need to keep the dynamic...
  18. T

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    i used to have a similar situation where my realtionships would all last about 3 months and end for apparently no reason. i had the same feelings you did about realtionships, i didnt really want one, i just wanted the constant sex. what happend was the women started to become attached and wanted...
  19. T

    FIELD REPORT - Online Pickup, Solid 9

    ha thats soo funny, i've seen that chick on plenty of fish! i gotta tell ya good job calling out the fake shizz!
  20. T

    "A Man is Only as Faithful as His Options"

    i believe this statement to be true. but i also believe its much more true concerning women. i think that women actually cheat more than men, due to the fact they do have so many more options. i have a friend who only bangs chicks that have bf's or married. he's been doing this for many years...