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Search results

  1. R

    Girls with "boyfriends"

    This form of thinking comes from waiting for the perfect moment. You will never be able to tell if or when she is going to be willing to be stolen. You must assume that she likes you and make your move. Sometimes you'll be wrong, but you know what? Sometimes you wil be right. A man does...
  2. R

    advise on cold approach

    Yea, by saying hello. Add her.
  3. R

    Should I be direct?

    Asking a girl out for a cup of coffee is not being direct. But either way, girls expect you, as a man, to ask them out. So you as a man must do your job and ask her out if you like her. Don't make a big deal about it if she says no. DONT DLV YOURSELF by asking her "why", not even in a playful...
  4. R

    fcuking games, is this text reply cool?

    No need to keep texting. You got the date.
  5. R

    Should I try to make people like me?

    I think many of you are missing my point. It is not about making people like you. Its about YOU liking them, without caring how they perceive you. Of course, you only do this until they tell you to f*ck off in some way.But the key is to assume that they will like you instead of assuming that...
  6. R

    The internet is making me shallow and stupid

    I'm curious, are you going to do something about it and turn off your gadgets, or are you just going to stick to your old ways?
  7. R

    Should I try to make people like me?

    Thats one way to put. The best way to pass shlt tests is to ignore them
  8. R

    BPD HB7 slut wants me

    Hold on there bud you're thinking waaayy too far ahead. Are you trying to fvck her or to make her your gf? If you're trying to fvck her, then do so and then ignore her. The only question then is how easy will it be avoid her after you fvck her?
  9. R

    Isn't this a contradiction of terms?

    You can be friendly and still be a challenge. Its what pick up is based on.
  10. R

    Should I try to make people like me?

    All my life I've been one of those people who assumed, until proven otherwise, that others didn't like me. It was an unconscious assumption, one that I only recently realized. I assumed people didn't like talking to me unless they showed me that they did, and this had a number of bad effects...
  11. R

    Attempt To Overcome Porn Addiction

    Think about how much staying off porn will help you. Porn ****s up your mind. You know who's a big porn addict? Ted Bundy, one of the worst humans in history. And yes, he blames his actions on his addiction to porn. He also points to porn as the cause for most of his immates' crimes. I'm not...
  12. R

    Lost my job, Feeling low.

    Welcome to the real world man. Go through that enough times and you'll understand why its better to find your talent and be your own boss.
  13. R

    Mayan calendar and the end of the world

    ..and I'm sure the buildings of today can last thousands of years without any maintanance, right.... My point is that if they know how to build a pyramid they probably have their **** handled and might just be more intelligent than some of us give them credit for. BTW. I doubt you are even...
  14. R

    Mayan calendar and the end of the world

    An ancient mayan or a phd engineer, which would you choose to build you a stone pyramid? Lets keep this in context.
  15. R

    Doomsday app

    I think its cool
  16. R

    Mayan calendar and the end of the world

    The mayans predicted their land would be invaded by the "blonde blue-eyed men". But the Mayans also understood destiny, and understood that their society would be basically destroyed by the conquistadors. This is part of their calendar's prediction based on time cycles, a prediction that...
  17. R

    NWO's global agenda.

    If these things are true you have 2 options: You can worry until they manifest, and then you'll be f$%ked or you can live your life and be accepting of the world and of what God, or whatever gives you life, throws at you everyday. Its your choice. But take it from me, living in fear is...
  18. R

    No matter how much I learn on inner game..

    I have a similar situation except it is with a big brother. It got to the point where I realized that he was such a burden in my life and source of negative feelings that it shouldnt matter what he did to me or said.So anytime he said or did something to put me down, I would repeat the thought...
  19. R

    does anyone know how to deal with stubborn hair?

    Shave it. thts what i did
  20. R

    Boy gets suspended for calling his teacher "cute"

    i'm sure he was already a pain in the a.s and the teacher was looking for an excuse to show him whos boss.