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  1. N

    Anecdotal Poll: G/F's shaky public behavior

    Go for it. I agree with Albion; I've cheated several times in the past - I'm not proud of it, but it's a fact. What has that done for me? It's opened my eyes - opened my eyes to the kind of woman I want, and how I want to be treated (with respect and honesty). I know one thing, I will...
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    Anecdotal Poll: G/F's shaky public behavior

    ???? wait a minute. Didn't you say in your post: Also Seems to me like you want you cake and you want to eat it. You guys are not exclusive, hell it doesn't even look like anyone knows you two are screwing. In fact that seems like it's all it is. Your Screwing this chick, and she...
  3. N

    Need help with my (HB) girl

    ???? Congrats on the Hottie GF. I'm sorry there Stevey, but if these guys are hanging around talking to you for 30 minutes - well thats a liitle AFC'ish isn't it? My ex was hot - and she certainly go a lot of attention from the guys. The good part was that she never played off of this -...
  4. N

    Taking chicks on dates

    My Take This is my take on the whole issuse 1) If you take a woman to an expensive rest. - it could very well make her think, that you are thinking that you are going to expect to get some a## because you've shelled out all this $$'s on the dinner. This can put her on the defensive straight...
  5. N

    4.5 Yrs down the toilet....

    Ok - I've turned the Corner... Ha..... Well things have moved fast. I've spent time reading the bible and the posts, and last night sometuing happened. So I was at my local hangout with some friends - sitting at the bar, putting away a couple of Jack and cokes. A friend walks in with his...
  6. N

    Being a DJ virgin

    yeah, for the longest time I was very picky... and no woman meet my criteria. Then I woke up. Look, your young, go out there and have fun, because you will regret it in the long run. Just be smart, use protection.
  7. N

    4.5 Yrs down the toilet....

    Yeah - but how the Fvck do I stop thinking about her? I was up until 3 am last night - just thinking what the F went wrong. I went on a date Wednesday - I going partying tonight. Yet, I still can't get her off my mind. By the way she replied: "Wow - I never expected to receive an...
  8. N

    4.5 Yrs down the toilet....

    Idiot.... I'm an idiot... I just sent her an email.... Fvck I need help. It read.... "What I can't figure out is, why you didn't want to work on the issues - those issues that will keep reoccurring through every relationship you will ever have. You were with someone who loved you and...
  9. N

    ugly face...perfect bod

    I bang the face - thats some fun sh#t
  10. N

    4.5 Yrs down the toilet....

    Fvck - she emailed me today at work.... She told me that she found an orange on our orange tree (there used to be lots of oranges, but they dropped off except 1. When I picked up my stuff 2 weeks ago I couldn't find it) - so she emailed me to tell me she found it. Then she told me her new...
  11. N

    Yes, good girls DO cheat

    can't agree I think we've covered all possibilites. But you know what really matters is your choice of woman. the kind of woman you end up with. Most people settle - and thats part of the problem.\ In out society today, it's much easier for people to cheat - you have to find that special...
  12. N

    WTF?? Really drunk now help me...

    what onitis?
  13. N

    The venus butterfly technique

    Hair? I love going down on chicks.... My ex would get a playboy waxing every month - Everything - A##, P###y - just a small landing strip down there. I swear, if you can give good oral, she's putty in your hands..
  14. N

    Yes, good girls DO cheat

    Love.... Helter S..... I know that some of the people on here are just looking to get more chicks - and thats great. If that the case, cheating shouldn't be something htey are to concerned with. I think the ulitmate goal - for me anyway - is to find that one person who I can spend the...
  15. N

    so I'm back...

    Sounds like she's pulling away from you - perhaps the way you've been acting towards her lately? purhaps she feels like your putting some presure on her? I'd not call her back, but wait for her to call me. Leave it like that. She'll call you if she wants to see you again
  16. N

    Yes, good girls DO cheat

    does it matter? Look - does all of this really matter? What we are trying to do is rationalize, or even put rules on something that you just can't quantify. Men or woman can cheat on their partner - LTR or not. And men and women cheat in the same way. We all - to one extent or the other -...
  17. N

    Yes, good girls DO cheat

    clarify The crux of the matter is, that the women that you want in a LTR are not going to cheat - unless you give them a reason. These women are self confident - they no what they want. It's all about the quality of the woman your with. Nothing is 100% - there are always exceptions to the rules.
  18. N

    Yes, good girls DO cheat

    agree Real, self confident chicks don't cheat. If your stupid enough to give them a reason to cheat, then thats your fault. But if your giving her attention, love - and making her happy between the sheets, she'll go nowhere. Of ocurse there are the skanks - but hopefuly you'll spot this...
  19. N

    Do English girls need to be Dj'd differently?

    I a UK in USA I'm from the UK - been living in the US for 8 yrs - moved when I was 24. There is a HUGE difference between Uk and US. first off, the is far more DATING in the US compared to the UK. In the UK people don't date - they go out in groups, unless you already know the chick...
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    IN REFERENCE TO A POST STATING "4.5 YEARS DOWN THE ROAD", my view this insanity.

    well it's me... Whilst I see you points Alstar, I have to add the following: Yes, I should have left a long time ago. Perhaps 12 months ago, but I didn't. She loved me, we went through councelling to deal with the situation. So, for my part I felt it was worthy of trying to deal with what I...