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  1. N

    I need your opinion on this situtation.

    Mr. Mr. Mr. 1) Read the DJ bible. 2) This chick abviouslt has some emotional problems. Whatever you do, don't get all emotionally wrapped up with her. Remember - that the harder you try to get closer to her, the more she will pull away. I'm sorry to say but this woman is going to drive you...
  2. N

    Problem w friends

    Why don't you approach the girl who you had the argument with? Talk things over - and agree to disagree?
  3. N

    Chicks who smoke pot

    I dated a chick for a long time that was a big pot head. Here are a couple of my thoughts and observations after the fact. Positives: * It can be fun to chill with your GF when you huys are high Negatives: * Whilst not physically addicting - I believe it's emotionally addicting...
  4. N

    Chicks who smoke pot

    I dated a chick for a long time that was a big pot head. Here are a couple of my thoughts and observations after the fact. Positives: * It can be fun to chill with your GF when you huys are high Negatives: * Whilst not physically addicting - I believe it's emotionally addicting...
  5. N

    Cheating... Would you go for it ? Read.

    Your to young to be tied down with a GF. Before long, it will move into LTR mode. After a year or so she will want more - perhaps a promise ring. Another year she will want the engagement ring. You'll be married before you know it. I can tell that you will regret that later in life...
  6. N

    field report: lousy date, your comments/suggestions welcome

    ** now ol' ogre has this big ol' motorcycle, and the one thing I like to do more than anything else is take a girl for a ride. The bike has a big windshield, and I have lots of warm clothing, so let's just say cold weather is not a problem. I told her we were gonna go for a ride, so wear your...
  7. N

    X-BF in the way [PART 2]

    If you stay with her - watch very closely for signs of her meeting or seeing her ex. Don't do this in a crazy way - i.e. Mr. Snooper. but keep a look out. 1st sign of her meeting him - NEXT>
  8. N

    why is ex-gf afraid to talk to me?

    First off - get another friend. The guy friend of yours is a mo fvcker. ** then a friend of mine told her I still liked her a week ago, ** This guy is not your friend. Eject him. ** I want to add that I left her a voicemail a couple days ago and told her that I dont like her at...
  9. N

    How do you deal with it?

    One day at a time. This will not kill you. This will make you stronger. Look to the future not the past. Think about it. You have learnt from this experience have you not? you are now a better man because of it. Hurt and pain are part of the human experience. Looking back on it - I...
  10. N

    X-BF in the way

    *** she doens't even want to bang me, she banged her x bf that she still talks about though... she said she wants to wait until the time is right *** It's very likely that she's bang'n her ex. Either way, you need to get out of this situation. She using you for sure. Leave her -...
  11. N

    What the hell should I do with this girl??

    *** OK I'm supposed to be going out with this girl tonight, but I have no idea what the **** to do with her. I suggested shooting pool, but she doesn't like that, the only movie I really wanted to see she said she saw and hated *** Sounds like a high maintenance B#tch to me. There's...
  12. N

    after sex?

    There is not hard and fast rules. Do what comes naturally - or what you want to do.
  13. N

    she said she wants to be FRIENDS

    Dumb. You get advice then post the same thing in another forum? When will you learn. A B#tch doesn't want a chump who buys her flowers after meeting her for 3 dates. Read the bible before posting again.
  14. N

    Now she is pregnant

    If she decides to have the baby - then you WILL support the baby - it's what you must do. But you need to talk out all the scenario's. The bottom line is - and what may people here are not counting - is that many, many times - women trap guys by having kids - stop taking birth control...
  15. N

    Friend better than husband?

    ** The trick is: if you are extra nice, she will get jealous. Friend destroyed. Problem solved. By being nice, I meant game the friend a little bit, of course. Just a tiny little bit. ** So every time she get's a hair up her a## - or decides to ignore him - he's got to play some game in...
  16. N

    Friend better than husband?

    ** Let me see... you could: -go out with your wife and her friend and be very nice to her friend. -do the same, but with a pal and have the two of you be very nice to her friend. That should solve your problem. ** Or he could just hand over his b#lls to his wife so she can put them...
  17. N

    she said she wants to be FRIENDS

    ** i've only known her for a week and a half---3 dates or "meetings" rather ** Dude your moving way to fast. Coming on way to strong. Flowers after 3 weeks. You've got to back the hell off this chick and not come over so desperate. The idea of chasing others and being busy -...
  18. N

    she said she wants to be FRIENDS

    Get some hobbies that take you out of the "I'm thinking of her 24/7" syndrome. Go chase after other available women. Quit buying flowers for women - that's only good after your already in an LTR with them. Stop being blind - and jumping into these kinds of situations. She's got 3 kids...
  19. N

    Friend better than husband?

    *** I don't want this to become an endless cycle. Now that I think about it, maybe I should tell HER that. Tell her that I don't want to have to discuss this situation with her again. *** Exactly. You've got to step up to the plate - and be the man here. She obviously needs taken in...
  20. N

    Now she is pregnant

    Try the "Hail Mary" Sit her down tell her how much you love her. Tell her how you look towards the future - a future with her. How much you want her to be the mother of your children... But that right now is not the best time. You want to be financially stable - so that you can...