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    The Tom Leykis Thread

    Funny stuff, this guy.
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    She needs space...where did it go wrong??

    ^^bogus^^ maybe half the world's problems are because -0- heart goes into important want to be a strictly cold and logic-only robot? Having _care_ is not a bad thing as much as this forum is against this as a form of self-preservation and mental detachment...having a bit of...
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    Should I dump her or stay?

    Man you can't ask other people this question -- you're the one in the relationship. I don't know the full extent on LDR, I imagine it is unique to parties involved. Probably harder overall for sure. Not necessarily impossible depending on the people--but usually is designed to have an end result...
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    We live in ironic times

    I think you guys might be a bit intense on the subject:: look if you are a solid 9/10 yourself--you'll probably shoot in the same category. If you're below that, you're going to have to work a lot harder unless you get lucky, to compensate. I'm not saying don't shoot big -- I'm saying be...
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    Groups, being popular, night scene and stuff...

    I definitely think everyone's gone through a breakup where afterwards, you have some overlapping interaction; this is not always pleasant but be relieved you did not marry her or have children, ect. Essentially, aside from these momentary negative encounters, you are a free bird.
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    She needs space...where did it go wrong??

    Sandow; I'm not sure what you'd like to hear from me -- I don't understand why you have to validate the hotness of your fvck on this website -- are you that insecure? Do you deem this place the supreme authority on things? What is so insane about a young woman who has been with you 24/7 the...
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    Selfish, shy, or otherwise...

    Twenty-vaginas! You are the *MAN* for making contact with so many!
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    Should I Go Ahead With This?

    "Plowing through as many chicks as possible" is not going to be a sign of accomplishment--sometimes it'll just add to any mental baggage and confusion. Because there are lots of crazy bi.tches out there. Take this from me man--I changed myself a while back in regards to health--focus on having...
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    Where are all the good men?

    Where have all the good men gone? They are all around you, but you never give them much attention anyhow -- you are too busy day-dreaming looking further for something bigger and better and bigger and better until you've reached the 'top' for your ego-gratification. But your bigger and better...
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    She needs space...where did it go wrong??

    I really don't know why you would want to post a pic of your ex-gf to be validated by a bunch of strangers you've never met. She probably knows you better at this point than anyone on this website. Who cares how hot she is to other people? Is your only value in a woman her physical? If this was...
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    When is a good time to get into LTR or Marriage?

    Look man--you don't ever have to do anything you really don't want to do. Getting married or getting into a LTR is a choice. There are no mandatory dates. Perhaps focus in life on being happy for yourself and not justifying happiness in any woman exactly. Having a baby will change your life...
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    Who Knows?

    There are some good perspectives here. I would argue that women are not predictable from an objectionable point of view as something like gravity or intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonding) or electromagnetism are (thanks for the link warrior, was very helpful). The above are objective things...
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    Who Knows?

    I honestly have come to the conclusion that not-a-single-man-on-the-planet has this woman-shi.t figured out. I'd be suspect to say that in all of the time of humane existence, it has remained a mystery. Perhaps even it is the biggest universal joke that there is -- let's create two distinct but...
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    Bad Marriage

    Maybe she is a fvking nutcake if you spent a day around her...and he's just beyond what he can tolerate... Who knows man. Some men grow sour with time. So do some women. Maybe she's sexy but is an odd-one in the bed...maybe she's just an odd-one in general and this turns him off. People are...
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    NICE GUYS will always be Losers forever. Part 1

    "There is no comfort in the truth, pain is all that you will find" ^^with a signature line like this I'm sure excited to hear what you have to say^^. The message I got from your long-a$$ ramble (hey I'm being brutally honest as you requested) is that you must be (a) young as hell, (b)...
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    Parents being douchebag's

    ^^ agree with his disagree... I don't trust religion much to give me truth...and in fact, nor do I really trust the institutions of school. When my folks were strict with me I did several things. (1) lied at times to spend the night a place, get drunk and have fun (stay the night, don't drink...
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    Thoughts on having money

    Just make sure you are getting what you want...genuineness should be a part of that...I wouldn't worry too much about who pays what if those two things are being met and if you are happy. OP -- happy you are in a state of abundance, keep that flowing.
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    Selfish, shy, or otherwise...

    Dude I've been there but this girl said (after I ate her out) that she "didn't give" -- honestly, some girls just think they are highly-entitled (this was one of them) and that they are above it or that it is somehow nasty or degrading...I don't get it...I think a down to earth chick...
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    Bad Marriage

    Yeah it is definitely sad to see couples who are not getting along...or who seem to have 0 passion for life or for each other...unfortunately, there are lots of bad examples of all sorts of things on many spectrums in the world...I generally try to focus on the good...I do definitely wonder why...