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  1. N

    help me understand please...

    1) Change your screenname. Have you not learn't a thing from being around these boards? Do you think this will make a difference to her? nope. Why? because it's fake. Because you are fake. You are doing this to enact a response in her - as opposed because you are taking control...
  2. N

    Should I break up w/ her over this?

    Get a girl you can date.
  3. N

    Interpret This DJ's Please

    Who cares? Really. What women say and do are 2 different things. Ask her out and you will get your answer.
  4. N

    Pitfalls of Having Her Over for Dinner At Your Place

    If she really is a stalker then you need to better select your woman..... But should this happen you should just rip the b#tch a new a##hole (verbally of course) and then be done with it. If you've a woman there - be cool - tell her that she's been hasseling you ever since you went on one...
  5. N

    Seeking Advice About Level of Honesty with Multiple Women

    Which means she communicated her wished to you - and you avoid the subject all together - and if you gave any answers they were criptic. My personal feelings on this is - that a MAN will communicate his intent to a woman - no matter what the result is. Only someone who is fearfull of losing...
  6. N

    Got LJBFed by the ex? Help!

    Yep - most people ar the same. In my experience, she'll see right through your game. It's better to just move on. Just don't give a fvck.... and mean it. Like dogs ;) women have a 6th sense for this kind of thing. Bang, there is your problem.... your to concerned with women and it's...
  7. N

    Fvck Buddy, Fvcking around...

    Yes, you want your cake and you want to eat it to. And would this change anything for you? Perhaps you need to re-evaluate what a fvck Buddy is, and why she's your F' Buddy int he first place. The bottom line is, if your crying over this, she's more than your F buddy. If your talking...
  8. N

    What does this behaviour mean?

    Stop worrying and 2nd guessing everything so much. Enjoy the process. Have fun. This is what - your 3rd date? so just have a good time. I think yout getting a little to carried away - not everyone wants to move so fast (asking about your past, job etc) - perhaps she's just having fun...
  9. N

    small tactical bartender quandry (STBQ)

    Unless you've done this in the past - there's a good chance you could fvck it up. Stay away if your uncertain.
  10. N

    Got LJBFed by the ex? Help!

    Because you allow her. She knows what you want, and she knows you'll be a pvssy (no offence) and try by whatever means you can to get back in her panties. She's getting what SHE wants out of you (someone there to reassure her, hold her, spoon with her etc. Ad nausium)..... so why should she...
  11. N

    how would you want your GF to tell you...

    This would suggest that he does not relate Sex and love in the same vain. I doubt he believes they are an extension of each other. I'm no shrink, but I'll bet he has some negative feelings/experiences about sex. Perhaps he just relates sex as a purely physical function - just something he...
  12. N

    how would you want your GF to tell you...

    This would suggest to me that he is rather conservative - or self concious. Perhaps he has some performance problems. Or maybe in the past he's had issues along these lines? These kinds of things can be deep routed. If he has had pressure from past GF's - or comments etc - then it will effect...
  13. N

    ex-girlfriend .... 6 years after

    Yes, someone has already said it. Ask yourself this:
  14. N

    ex-girlfriend .... 6 years after

    Yes, someone has already said it. Ask yourself this: Who are you doing this for? her? give me a break. What does she get out of it. a memory of some a##hole who treated her like sh#t? What do you get out of it? a clear concience? maybe, if your lucky...... The bottom line is, you...
  15. N

    Woman's character

    He's saying this BECAUSE she's not his type. This chick is LIKE him. You are mistaken (IMHO) - If she really rocked your world, you would not have to 2nd guess your thinking on this.
  16. N

    The Don Juan Survival Kit

    Breath Mints.
  17. N

    I got a pretty stupid problem... it's pretty pathetic, really... but I'm stuck.

    Did you ever think to ASK her why she was so insulted?
  18. N

    Would it bother you to date a girl who's been played?

    Dude you are reading way to much into this. You are focusing on the past. Whilst it's ok to reflect on things - your not living in the NOW. You've got to realise that people change. It's out experiences that make it who we are. People make mistakes - and people grow as human beings...
  19. N

    new pickup line for you non-afc's

    That's the point. I like this one. I don't use lines - but I'm going to try this one.
  20. N

    OOPS Now I did it.. is there any way out of this mess?

    Nothing personal. But you are an idiot. You knew exactly what you were doing. You knew that she would call you - you knew she would wonder where you were etc. etc. you WANTED her to wonder - you just didn't think she would run to another guy. Which by the way is a serious problem...