Actually i was in the same situation with my last FB. we had an agreement to only fvck each other but if we were gonna fvck other people 2be honest about it.
I plain out explained 2her i'm not the jealous type nor want her as my GF but that we should be honest 2each other because of the following reasons:
If one of us catch something, we know the other didnt catch it from each other from other people. I dont mind sleeping with someone for just the purpose if sex we BOTH agreed uopn it but i just want 2know whom i'm dealing with.
She's not my girl and free 2do what she wants, so am i but if i screw some1 else or her someone else, be honest about it.
With all the diseases and sh*t out there if we're sharing each others bodies with each other thats cool, but when you bringing third parties and whatnot into it, things might get crazy so be honest of your actions. I want to know who else is putting their hands in my cookie jar, not cuz i'm territorial but i want to know if someone else is putting their dyck where mine is going.
Guess what, she ends up banging some guy her and her friends were supposed 2be hanging out with and lies about it. I end up finding out about it from her friend at the time. When i confront her about it twice she lies. Finally after 2weeks she comes clean.
I NEXT her ASAP. Her reason for lying. She secretly liked me more as a BF and wasnt cool with our arrangement but kept sleeping with me so it might turn 2more. When she realized it wasnt going her way she banging the other dude is her way of getting me jealous and liking her as a GF. Wtf
Fvck Buddies are sometimes shady. I dont mind my FB sleeping around but be honest bout it and tell me especially if i'm one of the guyz u banging ona reguar and we agreed ahead of time 2b honest.
The problem with a fvck buddy is one side always end up wanting more than what was usually intended. You get a fvck buddy because u both feel maturely and comfortable enough to satisfy each others physical/sexual needs and thats it. Eventually after weeks or months of getting used 2it, one side starts seeing the other differently, feelings arise/change and problems start.