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  1. N

    What do I do next ...

    Having little info, I'd say your spending to much time calling/emailing them. The only time you want to contact them is to set up a date.
  2. N

    Friend who's a girl is very upset

    Forget this chick. Get yourself a good wingman.
  3. N

    prozac girls?

    just keep fvcking her while you can.
  4. N

    Getting Your Ex Back

    I'm exacting some revenge myself now - but in a different way and not directed to a friend... but anyways..... this is probably not going to be an overnight process. You will have to be patient. You probably know quite a bit about her and what she likes and does not like. You also probably...
  5. N

    How Should I play It?

    when that happened the first time you should (and maybe you did?) bail. she outta here - goodbye, have a nice life. it should have ended there. waste of your time. read she playing you like a flute. are you her girlfriend? yep I think your her girlfriend. why are you...
  6. N

    Is this guy a Don Juan?

    Yeah, but he knows that you'll not back up your words with actions. You will want to know and he will not tell you - so what do you do? accept it and keep the relationship going. I really don't understand why you feel the way you do - it sounds confusing. On one hand your hooked and are...
  7. N

    fvck buddy - do's and don'ts

    Here are a few golden rules. 1) Don't say I love you or I miss you 2) Don't meet her parents or other relatives 3) Don't buy her gifts 4) ALWAYS WEAR A RUBBER 5) Don't cuddle or spoon 6) if you stay over night - don't stay for breakfast 7) Unless your social circle is...
  8. N

    Is this guy a Don Juan?

    You have verbal diarrea - and are grabbing on to every last word this guy has told you - like there is some hidden message in there. In your conversations and emails - the ones you have quoted here - there is not one where he has given you any real information about how he feels - what I mean...
  9. N

    My GF is acting like a loney tune right now. WTF do I do

    Tell her to go see a Dr.
  10. N

    Did I do the right thing?

    It seems like she didn't care, because she does not care - but why do YOU care? 1st, you don't want to put an ultimatum on a potential fvck buddy - because she will believe that you are more serious than you are. Not only that, she will expect more from you than you are willing to give, and...
  11. N


    I would have to agree with Aussie. I'm all for giving his smoking wife some strange - but with him behind sitting me, don't think I can be to comfortable with that. Tell him that you are all up for taking care of his hot wife - but that you'd need to get to know her first, othwerwise it...
  12. N

    Should I pull the plug ?

    Been there, done that, bought the T shirt. If the sex is gone, the relationship is dead. You've already said you've had countless discusions on this topic - but has anything changed? With one of my ex's, the only time I got sex was when we argues about it. She would not be interested...
  13. N

    g/f is all of a sudden BUSY

    Remove her number from your phone - and remove her from your IM list. Don't call or talk to her. move on with your life. It will drive her crazy not knowing what the hell is going on.
  14. N

    well they finally told me the truth

    Your obsessed. One-i-tis. you've got it all. talk about kill that desperation. I've read your posts, and it seems that no matter what this chick does, you still want and chase after her.... You are blinded by your desperation to fvck her. Do you believe she is all innocent? she's played...
  15. N

    ***** slapped. lost my alpha juice.

    Never oppologize. (to a woman).
  16. N

    interest level

    Don't waste any more time.
  17. N

    Hi, I'm in this situation. Am I screwed?

    Stop acting and live like a DJ. 1st step is to forget about this woman. Develop the mindset of a DJ. This woman is nothing - there are many, many women out there - stop fixating on this one Ho. Live life by your rules and stop dreaming about this Ho. Get a life. Get some buddies...
  18. N

    why want something you cant have?

    Love her? You don't know what you want. one week you can't be bothered with her, the next you love her. which is it? I say it's because you can't have her. She now has the power - she rejected you. this is way to much drama - move on.
  19. N

    Honestly, what would you do?

    If your going to be a bear, be a Grizzly. Throw your game at them, and try and bag all 3.
  20. N

    Boys I neeed you help right now!

    you have to be more logical about these kinds of things. From where is your anger coming - and to whom is it directed? the other aspect of things is this - that if you hold onto your girl to tight - she will slip away. Controlling someone - as you've pointed out - is not the solution...