you need to control her thoughts... she thinks of him, and thats bad... what you need to do is replace her thoughts of him with thoughts of you, fill her mind with thoughts of you...
and then our seduction of the mind can take place...
first of all, we all keep cirtain gifts that remind us of our previous lover, we all have that old song that reminds us of that girl...
when your time toghether was most precious, you kept a momentum....
now think!!!! what is her momentum of you, we can use this to our great advantage...
this can be used as an arow, cupids arow, we can fire cupids arow into her heart when the time is right... il get to that time soon...
now to start the seduction once again, you must WORK INDIRECT, never let her know that your going to seduce her..
she may be wary of you, she may feel uncomfortable in the presense of an old lover...
so you will create a false sense of security- approach indirectly.
at first, there must be nothing of a seducer in your manner... your seduction will begin at an angle so she only gradually becomes aware of you- approach through a third party, or cultivate a neutral relationship, moving gradually from friend to lover.... LULL THE TARGET INTO FEELING SECURE, THEN STRIKE.
once done, you move forward.
the first part of your seduction has begun, so, you must now CREATE TEMPTATION ...lure her into the seduction by creating the proper temptation; a glimps of the pleasures to come... the pleasures you have to offer them.. you will awaken inside a desire she cannot control. find that weakness of theirs, that fantasy, and hint that you can lead them into it... the key is to keep it vague, this will stimulate a deeper curiosity that will over ride all the doubts she has about you...
once done, move forward.
you are entering the final and most elusive stages of a mental seduction.. if she becomes too familiar with your intentions, she becomes bored... most of us are far too obvious at this stage, - instead, become hard to figure out. SEND MIXED SIGNALS; her mind will become entranced into a riddle, he loves me, he loves me not....become tough yet tender both intersted and bored, spiritual and earthly. a mix of qualitys suggests depth, which FASCINATES AS IT CONFUSES THE VICTIM, drawing them further into your web...create such power by hinting at somthing contradictory within yourself, and your interest in her.
once done, move forward
now she is ready...!!!!!
quick,the arrow i mentioned at the begining, her momentum of you... fire it directly into her heart, and her desire for you will spread through her viens like pioson...she will become hopelessly entangled into your web... and she is your puppet..