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  1. djthiago1

    Should i have gone for the kiss after 1 year of being just friends? my ex-gf's ex bff

    Are you insane? Shouldve been all up in that P right when she stared at you.
  2. djthiago1

    most important date of my life tomorrow

    They sure have short memories. The day my ex broke up with me i hooked up with a girl at least twice as hot as her. It was around 16 hours post breakup, i counted. Sure helps to cure oneitis.
  3. djthiago1

    Best response to "How was your day?"

    These are classics.
  4. djthiago1

    Want to keep her emotionally engaged to the maximum

    I personally would go to the party just to have fun, don't be cold, but don't smother, act normal, chat with other girls, just do your thing.
  5. djthiago1


    Yea, that doesn't sound like fun, imagine yourself together for 20 years with this girl playing these games.
  6. djthiago1

    most important date of my life tomorrow

    Brooo. She will fall out of love again. I wouldn't consider going back unless i've slept with at least 1 girl during the breakup. IMO.
  7. djthiago1

    I need to write off

    Might be our flow of testosterone. Up and down.
  8. djthiago1

    Girlfriend isnt intrested in sex as much anymore, is she cheating

    Unleash the alpha inside pal, mimic her behavior, cut love and affection, be distant. Forget your emotions and your ego, imagine yourself outside of your relationship and think about the best course of action. Remember that her words are MEANINGLESS, it's her ACTIONS that count, i made the same...
  9. djthiago1

    Tieing the knot at a young age

    I personally don't know what the reason was. But according to her "it wasn't like it was in the beginning." , "my heart is confused." Yea right.
  10. djthiago1

    Tieing the knot at a young age

    Would under any circumstance be advisable for a young person to marry? I'm 20 and my gf broke up with me 3 weeks ago (I'm on NC) due to a bunch of beta sht i've done which i KNEW were wrong but i did anyways due to my high interest level. Sometimes i wonder if she could have been the perfect...
  11. djthiago1

    Red pill
  12. djthiago1

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I'm on a three week NC (she broke up with me), so i know how you feel, stay strong, stay busy, and evaluate pros and cos in case you want to come back to her. My #1 wish right now is to be back with my ex, but it wasn't a good relationship, she was lazy, anti-social, not fun, a very down...
  13. djthiago1

    You guys suck!

    In any case, fake it till you make it.
  14. djthiago1

    no contact success!

  15. djthiago1

    Paying for Dates

    Easy, don't take women you barelly know to expensive restaurants.
  16. djthiago1

    Paying for Dates

    The man is the provider. I believe we should pay for the dates, until you're in a relationship that is, where a girl that pays for half the bill would be highly valuable.
  17. djthiago1

    Gaming a girl too hard?

    Instead of acting like you don't give a fck, try feeding them little bits of you instead.
  18. djthiago1

    no contact success!

    Don't do it, you're gonna develop feelings again. Just don't. Please.
  19. djthiago1

    Girlfriend of 7 years DUMPED me! CRAZY story!

    I'm gonna be honest with you. It's probably not even your fault. Long distance can fck up ANY relationship, my mom and dad were married for 10 years and were extremelly happy, but then my dad went to the States for a whole year, and mom broke up with him out of nowhere. There is nothing you can...