As Zekko alluded to, it's stuff like this that illustrates everything that is wrong with our criminal justice system. It's quite despicable that California actually spends more money on its prison system than it does on higher education! A huge chunk of the prison population is locked up for...
It's not only in Western cultures. In many cultures today it is common for the man to pay a dowry for a wife. In these cultures, the man basically provides for the woman in exchange for sex as sex is only seen as acceptable in the context of marriage. Heck, this was the norm even in Western...
A lot of people who use the services of prostitutes would be considered high value individuals. Heidi Fleiss' clients included many Hollywood celebrities. Elliot Spitzer was the governor of New York. He was a guy with a huge amount of power and a lot of money. There are "escort services" that...
You sound like you're pretty healthy and you don't have the type of medical conditions hat would cause you to have ED at your age. It's almost certainly psychological.
Do you have trouble getting hard when watching your favorite porn? I remember a few years ago I couldn't get laid to save my...
You proceed with plates the same way you would with a stock portfolio. A certain stock may seem like dynamite but then it consistently underperforms. At a certain point you just have to cut your losses and move on. Same deal here.
If it ain't working, it ain't working and there's no point in...
Interestingly, this arranged marriage thing was the norm in all cultures (including Western cultures) until relatively recently. Many parts of the world still practice this custom. This idea of romantic love is actually a fairly novel concept.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, just go out there and do your thing. You might want to avoid tangling with these guys, but for the most part there's no reason to be off-put by them. Keep your eyes on the target, not on the competition.
An important rule in pickup and life in general is...
It's not only sad, pathetic losers that are paying for sex. There are escort services out there that charge thousands of dollars an hour. Many of their clients include Hollywood celebrities, athletes (e.g. Tiger Woods) politicians (e.g. Elliot Spitzer) and highly successful businessmen. These...
It depends. Boyish face + muscular body = dynamite for the ladies. But boyish face + scrawny body = huge flop.
Also it depends on age too. When you're younger, having a boyish face is a disadvantage. But starting from your mid to late 20s, it can be an advantage because a lot of guys start to...
I think you are greatly exaggerating the value of blue eyes. Blue eyes are something that is relatively rare and they are sought after but buying a pair of blue contact lenses alone isn't going to significantly improve your luck with the ladies.
Also, in my observation most good looking girls...
I'm pretty sure that guy did a lot of cardio to achieve that look. To get cut like that and to have that much muscle definition requires a low body fat. For most of us, that requires cardio in addition to the right diet.
To the OP: very often getting ripped can make one look buff. Ideally...
Like I always say, the dynamics of online dating are such that you have to play the numbers game big time. The response rates are going to be very low because of the horrible guy-to-girl ratio. Your odds of success with any given girl on OKCupid are actually less than what they'd be in the real...
I'd have to respectfully disagree with some of what is being said in this thread. Anger is an emotion that is there for a reason. There are valid reasons to be angry. I think you would be justifiably angry if someone punched your mother, for example.
One should not become angry about the wrong...
I wouldn't count on it dude. If she initiates the contact and takes steps to make it happen, give her a chance. But it's highly unlikely.
Think about it. If this girl really wanted to meet up with you, don't you think you should would do everything to make time for you? Her flaking on you...
This girl I used to have the WORST case of oneitis for a few years ago sent me an e-mail yesterday. She was basically just asking how I was doing and updated me on what was up with her. I came to realize that there is still a small tender spot there.
It took several months to get this broad...
Yup, pretty much the only reason to talk to a girl on a phone is to setup a meeting. Keep it short and sweet. Open with some small talk then get right to the point. After that, tell her you'll see her then and hang up. You'll have plenty of time for conversation when you meet her in person.
Like anything, one needs to have balance. Personally, I can be easily disarmed and that can be a character flaw. I tend to be quick to forgive when someone tries to make amends. But this can sometimes lead to being taken advantage of; people will keep disrespecting you because they know you'll...
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