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  1. L

    'Give me your number instead'

    Yup. Give me your number instead generally means not interested.
  2. L

    Plates and low shot percentage - need advice

    It looks like you must have some problem with the technical aspects of your game. You're working on yourself, you are pursuing multiple plates and getting a lot of initial interest it seems. It looks to me like you're having trouble with closing. Closing is an area of "Game-ology" unto itself...
  3. L

    So I have a wife and kids...

    It looks to me like your wife may have anemia. That would definitely kill anyone's drive for sex. You should try to get it checked out.
  4. L

    Got to love chicks from online dating sites

    Numbers, numbers, numbers my friend. Given that the ratios are overwhelmingly in women's favor, they are constantly juggling lots of options. You must do the same. There is no point in investing much in in any one prospect. You just work a bunch of them simultaneously and see what happens.
  5. L

    Interesting to watch branch swinging when you're the branch

    I agree. One of my favorite sayings is "this too shall pass." I've come to truly appreciate it recently. When we're in the midst of good times we often think the party will never end. But when we've hit a low in life, we tend to think there will never be any hope.
  6. L

    Is the genetic paternity test misogynist?

    Wow, just wow. This must be a piece of satire because I can't believe she's serious!
  7. L

    Fatties on online dating sites

    90% of the time curvy = obese Full figured = morbidly obese Overweight = she has her own gravitational pull
  8. L

    "A Man is Only as Faithful as His Options"

    Well there certainly is some truth to that statement although it can't be applied universally. Of course, a guy who can't attract many women is less likely to cheat than a guy who can easily land lots of different women. Tiger Woods was rich and famous enough that he could easily get it on...
  9. L

    Is it just me?

    Or has this board become more negative over the past year or so? Maybe I remember incorrectly, but it seemed to me when I first started coming to these forums back on '08, the emphasis was on self-improvement and discussing tactics for putting your best foot forward with the ladies. Lately...
  10. L

    Women that initiate and pursue you first

    I don't think that women who pursue you should be dismissed out of hand. Sometimes, the planets align just right and things just work out your way. For whatever reason a really attractive woman may just find you to be very cute. Maybe you remind her of her father, maybe your vibe just syncs with...
  11. L

    Wow, another false accusation of rape revealed This is getting to be ridiculous.....Kobe Bryant, Ben Roethlisberger, DSK and many others. If you're rich/powerful/famous be very careful about hooking up with anyone...
  12. L

    My Mature men breaking your plans for a woman?

    It's pretty simple: you should do exactly what you feel like. If you're not really up for hanging out, don't get pressured by this broad. Personally, I'd value working out more than a date with this girl. If anything, it would make you more desirable in her eyes. You're not just another chump...
  13. L

    Women be ****blockiiiiiin you can't STOP a Woman from ****blockin baby- little FR

    The main motivation I've seen for female c0ckblocks is the fear of being left alone. Sure jealousy etc. also play a role, but girls cannot stand to be by themselves with no one to talk to. You could get a wingman to go in there and talk to her friend. One tactic I've seen that works...
  14. L

    New husband takes wife's name!

    Yeah that's just really whack. I know a guy who took his wife's name. But that was because he was Nigerian and had a really tough to pronounce last name, so he adopted his wife. I don't see a problem with that. But the dude in the article? Wow.
  15. L

    What do you think is the average succes rate?

    I'd have to disagree here. In my experience it's virtually impossible to know if a girl would be into you or not without trying. Because there are so many different factors that go into determining success, it's almost impossible to know which girls will bite and which won't. By narrowing...
  16. L

    What do you think is the average succes rate?

    Some interesting points here. When I was the biggest chump in the world, I had a 100% success rate. Why? Because I never made any moves until the girl couldn't have made it more obvious that she was interested! As pointed out, there are lots of different factors that go into determining a...
  17. L

    Thinning hair is a deal breaker?

    Thinning hair is generally considered to be a negative trait, but it shouldn't always be a deal breaker in and of itself. I know some guys who have thinning hair who have gorgeous girlfriends and/or pull high quality tail. At the end of the day it's about the overall package. Some girls might...
  18. L

    What to do in this situation?

    Don't bring up the conversation. Leave that to her. Bringing it up will seem needy on your part. She's not flaking on you and she is demonstrating a high level of interest. Some girls are just content to sit back and let the guy control things. She might not be initiating anything with you...
  19. L

    Introverts, Extroverts, and Marriages

    I don't think that happiness with marriage comes down to extroverted versus introverted personality types. As Jitterbug pointed out, you could make the argument that introverts could feel more trapped in a marriage than extroverts....perhaps an introvert's internal focus would not mesh well with...
  20. L

    Where to meet younger girls?

    I'm not over 30 yet, but I just go to bars that college kids frequent. If there's a strip of bars near your local college/university you can be sure that there'll be a lot of horny young girls there. It should be fairly easy to find popular hangout spots for college students.