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  1. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    I don't think prostitution is taxed at any higher a rate in places where it's legal (e.g. Netherlands, Australia etc.) than most other services. Even here in the USA, any girl can sign up to be an escort. She can advertise her services online and could even do it with few or no taxes since these...
  2. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    I was talking about supply and demand in terms of prostitution prices. You keep stating it as though buying sex is an either/or proposition. Like I've said before, you can be really good at gaming women and making them drip but you can also indulge yourself with escorts too. Just like you can...
  3. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    Women may need men more but generally, men want sex more than women. Women crave sex as well, but not as much as men. This is why the porn industry almost entirely caters to men. This is why female prostitution is far more common than male prostitution. A pretty significant percentage of women...
  4. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    It's true that in hiring an escort/hooker one pays a significant amout of money for a temporary thrill, but that could be said for many entertainment/ recreational purchases.
  5. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    To say that only "low value" men are using the services of prostitutes is simply false. Are there low value men using them? Certainly. But many of them are also very successful. In NYC and Connecticut, many escorts charge hundreds to thousands of dollars per hour. They wouldn't be charging...
  6. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    One could argue that the paid versions of those services are better than the free alternatives, no? I don't pay for satellite radio but when I first bought my car I had free service for 6 months. It was better in that there were no ads and there was a far wider selection of music, sports, talk...
  7. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    The only difference between escorting and prostitution is that in the former, you're not technically paying for sex, but really you are. In effect, prostitution is legal. Prostitution is completely legal in Germany, the Netherlands and other European countries. It isn't really cheap. I was...
  8. L

    Are males who buy sex disgusting?

    Yes and in those scenarios you described, the perpetrators of those crimes should be brought to justice. I agree 100% that sex traffic is immoral and should be illegal.
  9. L

    If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?

    Prostitution is already legal in the United States except under a different name. Lots of women may call themselves "escorts" but make no mistake about it: they are hookers.
  10. L

    Are males who buy sex disgusting?

    Sex slavery is definitely a crime but we should not conflate it with prostitution. The act of prostitution and the act of sex slavery are two different things. Obviously we should try to crack down on human trafficking. But a woman selling sex of her own volition should be free to do so.
  11. L


    Yes. With pretty much every girl I've ever asked out either I called before the date or they did. I just call and say that I'm heading over to the meeting point or that I'm going to their place to pick them up (if they didn't call first). It's common courtesy. There's nothing "low value" about...
  12. L


    Wow that is one hell of an argument you put forth there. Calling to confirm a date is bad because it's "GHEY." They should definitely reserve a spot for you on the Harvard debate team. Calling before a date to let the girl know you're heading out shouldn't have any effect on your perceived...
  13. L


    If calling before the date to let a girl know that you're heading out diminishes your value, then you must be very insecure indeed. Girls don't pass up opportunities to be with guys they perceive as high value but they don't lose interest in high value individuals because that person called...
  14. L


    Nothing demonstrates value like taking the time to travel to and from a date and being stood up! The time of most high value individuals is quite quite valuable, isn't it? I'm pretty sure most of them would rather know in advance so that they can find better ways to use their time.
  15. L


    So let me get this straight: you would rather travel however long to the meeting place, get stood up there and travel back? That sounds more like "beta phaggotry" than simply calling right before the meetup to make sure. If you honestly think that calling a girl just before a date to confirm...
  16. L


    Guys, it's no big deal if you call to make sure your plans are still on! Would you rather call and find out beforehand that she's going to flake or would you prefer to waste your time sitting around waiting for someone who's not going to show up?
  17. L

    What is a woman's (partner) role in a man's success?

    I don't think there's any evidence to suggest that marriage generally inhibits or facilitates success. Married people tend to be better off in terms of health, economic status, career, reported happiness etc. than their unmarried counterparts, but that's not evidence that marriage contributed to...
  18. L

    Why "Nice Guys" are often such LOSERS

    I don't think the PUA community has it wrong. Most of the pick up gurus don't actually advocate being an a$$hole. They just point to the a$$hole chick magnet as an example because it's somebody that everyone can relate to. They recommend adopting his positive qualities (confidence, masculinity...
  19. L

    Why "Nice Guys" are often such LOSERS

    Most guys who are a$$holes are a$$holes because they can be. Their value is high enough that these negative qualities are tolerated. The stereotypical AFC nice guy is nice because he basically has to be. To use a sports analogy. Take a look at Randy Moss. This guy is by all accounts a grade...
  20. L

    What the fuulake?

    There's a much higher flake rate in online dating. You have to understand that these girls are getting bombarded with messages everyday. The ratios on these online dating sites are awful from a guy's point of view. I had a chick pull the same crap on me once. She canceled the first date at the...