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  1. Fatal Jay

    Is this the end of Iraq?

    It was Saudi's who attacked America not Iraq.......
  2. Fatal Jay

    Is this the end of Iraq?

    Most of the dictators they America paint has evil guys, weren't bad at all. America only did that to go to war with these guys cause they had valuable resources. They killed off khaddfi in Africa, because he was about to back his currency up with gold and oil. America wasn't going to have that...
  3. Fatal Jay

    Is this the end of Iraq?

    American hasn't won a war since the second world war. Our armies are stretched too thin. America sooner or later have to face Iran also, which Iran are backed by china and Russia. America won't win.
  4. Fatal Jay

    Even Robin Thicke has been reduced to a bumbling AFC...

    Robin thicke wife is a bad bit*h
  5. Fatal Jay

    Finally finished my year long project! Check it out!

    I don't want to come off as an a hole, but what you said sets your site no difference from facebook you come up with some cool features and I will invest and promote with you bro.
  6. Fatal Jay

    Finally finished my year long project! Check it out!

    What makes it different from facebook and twitter?
  7. Fatal Jay

    Belmont Stakes

    Interesting stuff, I figure when I become a millionaire I will invest in two race horses.
  8. Fatal Jay

    Dollar Collapse Imminent?

    1.The government are going to make the price of ammunition go up 2.They are going to make guns illegal, so if you own one they will arrest you 3.When they enforce the patriot act, martial law will clean up any houses that have guns so like I said stash food or die.
  9. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    and yet we still supplying your women with huge slung d*ck:rockon: either it be the land whales or the skinnies ones blacks are taking them, she will never tell you that your small centimeter sausage never did anything to her. As bad as the whites have tried to trash blacks, we are still...
  10. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    you posted gangs, I'm talking a regular black guy shooting up people, what you posted was already stated by me. You was the main guy talking about trayvon was a thug, and yet you giving this guy bull$hit excuses I already told you blacks kill each other, but the stats are showing that whites...
  11. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    this is not mental problems, this is a the true face of a thug a coward that kills women and kills himself.
  12. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    Show me one article this year where one black guy shot up multiple people this year then show me where a black guy went in a school or movie theather and shot up people. Yes blacks do kill each other, but it has been more white murder crimes then anything its been whites killing blacks non...
  13. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    I just don't understand, this dude came from a well to do family. Had a bmw, this dude shot up a lot of people. But not one person call this guy a thug, all I hear is he was on drugs or had mental problems why blacks get this big terror type label, yet these suburb geeky thirsty white guys are...
  14. Fatal Jay

    Fatties make their own SI calendar.....

    Lol glad I'm not the only one who thinks ask men is sh*t. That site comes off as written by women to set men up.
  15. Fatal Jay

    Game of Thrones: just because it's complex, doesn't mean it doesn't suck ass

    It would seem like people would like this, "the hero lives" happy fairy tale ending that movies always have. This show is real medieval life. The snakes in this world usually wins.
  16. Fatal Jay

    Dollar Collapse Imminent?

    You can't eat and drink weapons and ammunition, it will get to the point people will trade those in for food and water. Whoever has the food and water will be king, not the guy with the weapons or gold.
  17. Fatal Jay

    Game of Thrones: just because it's complex, doesn't mean it doesn't suck ass

    ^ lol your mad, cause it doesn't end like you want it? That's what makes the show so good.
  18. Fatal Jay

    Dollar Collapse Imminent?

    They are forcing a worldwide currency, every country own currency is declining in some type of way. In the future or near future, everyone from Americas to Europe to japan etc. will be using the exact same currency. This is the plan from the elite and bankers. The elite and bankers won't you...
  19. Fatal Jay

    Dollar Collapse Imminent?

    Anybody who knows the history of paper currency, would know that the paper was just a note for the gold or other things of value. The papers means nothing at all, so how would these people not know economics? Let me show you how it works in the most simple of terms. A man has a bag full of...
  20. Fatal Jay

    Dollar Collapse Imminent?

    The dollar won't be for too long, the dollar is backed by nothing, by time continuing pumping out the dollar, its going to end so bad, that it will be hard for America to recovery for many of years The elite wants a one world currency for everyone to use. You have to back your money up with...