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  1. Fatal Jay

    Non-stick pan

    I let women deal with that.
  2. Fatal Jay

    Paul Walker Died

    I heard on the news, he was not experienced enough for the car.
  3. Fatal Jay

    30 Days of Self Improvement

    I went the whole 90 days without fapping, you guys just have a strong addiction to masterbating. I might start no fapping today, and do the whole entire year of 2014 of never fapping.
  4. Fatal Jay

    30 Days of Self Improvement

    Lol for real, you been trying to attempt no fap for a year, and still can't do it lmao.
  5. Fatal Jay

    Paul Walker Died

    It's ironic he died this way. RIP
  6. Fatal Jay

    How to drive without car insurance and get away with it (would u?)

    People who don't have insurance always end up in wrecks or get pulled over.
  7. Fatal Jay

    U.S. media is covering up hate crimes?

    They say the first thing to recovery is admitting, so you calling yourself a white devil demands an standing ovation
  8. Fatal Jay

    U.S. media is covering up hate crimes?

    You skipped the fact that their are more whites on welfare then blacks. Their are many websites that show this statistic, I will show you if you have the time. Lol at fresh bottle water, bottle water that's filled with chemicals and don't get me started on the tapped water. Africa is full of...
  9. Fatal Jay

    U.S. media is covering up hate crimes?

    I agree whites are more prone to violence then any race on the planet. Starting all the way back before they killed off the natives. Look at the track record of every war that was fought by a race, none have came close to whites. Whites have killed and stolen out of any race in history. Blacks...
  10. Fatal Jay

    Christians - Why Did God Create Satan?

    Then why are you in the discussions? I swear in all bible discussions the people who don't believe are the main people in the discussions. That's stupid.