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  1. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    I can't understand how he has mental illness yet he knew how to pick up a gun and kill people. If that's the case every murderer has mental illness.
  2. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    This dude killed seven girls and he had mental illness lol, stop reaching
  3. Fatal Jay

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    He must have been a thug like travon martin
  4. Fatal Jay

    Movies where protagonist dies?

    technically tom cruise didn't die in oblivion, cause he was a clone, and his other clone came back
  5. Fatal Jay

    Movies where protagonist dies?

    planet of the apes 2, the main character activated the nuclear bomb and killed everyone
  6. Fatal Jay

    source of our problems....circumcision????

    The things little penis men think about
  7. Fatal Jay

    How did you lose the genetic lottery?

    Stop masturbating. go to this website, it will prove to you I'm not joking.
  8. Fatal Jay

    Game of Thrones: just because it's complex, doesn't mean it doesn't suck ass

    ^ but you made a thread sh*tting on the show?:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
  9. Fatal Jay

    Game of Thrones: just because it's complex, doesn't mean it doesn't suck ass

    ^ Exactly, to put all that stuff in the show in a hour time, and you are still complaining then you don't have a clue how tv networks and budgets work. You can only do so much with the special effects, the time, and all those characters.
  10. Fatal Jay

    Game of Thrones: just because it's complex, doesn't mean it doesn't suck ass

    Damn Tyrion Lannister Trial Episode Was Dope!!!!!!!!
  11. Fatal Jay

    Why do people hate on Johnny Football?

    Blacks don't love him either, I have heard plenty of black hardcore sport fans say he is hype also Clowney is a true beast, can't wait to see him play, this dude is literally going to be murdering people on the field, and I do mean legit murder. This year draft picks have me really excited...
  12. Fatal Jay

    Game of Thrones: just because it's complex, doesn't mean it doesn't suck ass

    You have to remember the dragons being born brung back the magic, if you notice before the dragons no magic was around 1st season. Also die hard you have to remember that the producers of the show have a budget, its only so much money you can put into a tv show, yes a tv show not a movie. Also...
  13. Fatal Jay

    Game of Thrones: just because it's complex, doesn't mean it doesn't suck ass

    Yeah I been watching this show since it started, I like how characters are not promised to live all the way through. Seems like the battles of the kings are coming to a stand still too, the only person I can see still fighting is baratheon, everyone else seems to be satisfied where their at, at...
  14. Fatal Jay

    There's a lunar eclipse right now

    Yeah the blood moons are bad omens for Israel, God is mad because they are breaking the covenant by giving up their lands to the Palestine's
  15. Fatal Jay

    Fred Thompson for president in 2016

    I would put anyone in there over Hilary, I would vote for pedro instead of her ass
  16. Fatal Jay

    RIP Ultimate Warrior

    Damn, I thought this dude been dead
  17. Fatal Jay

    Noah the Movie (Spoiler)

    Ancient books say that nimrod ran the entire world at one point, but he got killed by Jacobs brother Esau. Esau was a great hunter also in the bible, his brother Jacob was the father of jews. BIBLE blet you are right about that stuff about nimrod penis. He started the old mystery Babylon...
  18. Fatal Jay

    Women are worshipped in society, is it still ways to conquer the woman?

    I want you guys opinion.
  19. Fatal Jay

    Great Balls of Fire

    yeah get laid by a few flaming homosexuals