Fatal Jay said:
Anybody who knows the history of paper currency, would know that the paper was just a note for the gold or other things of value.
The papers means nothing at all, so how would these people not know economics?
Let me show you how it works in the most simple of terms.
A man has a bag full of gold, he doesn't want to carry the gold any more, so he gives it to a bank. The bank promise him that if the person leave the bag of gold at his bank, he will give him interest on his gold.
And instead of the gold, he gives the man a paper currency or an "I owe you" paper note in trade, and whoever merchant you go to they know that "I owe you" paper note is worth something so they take it or trade it for any product you want. The merchant knows that paper note means you have gold, it has value.
The man paper note or currency is made by the bank which promises the man we will keep your gold, use your gold for our benefit, and if one day you want your gold back you will have to wait until we give you a certain amount of time until we made our money with it.
If the bank ever runs out of gold, your "I owe you" paper note that you are using, means nothing
class dismissed.
I am not an economist, neither are you. I don't try to speak on subjects with any kind of authority unless I truly understand it.
Reading and watching YT videos of guys bsing about fiat currency and talking about how we need a gold standard back does not make someone an expert on this subject. If you investigate it further, you will discover it is much more nuanced.
I know all about the ideas you are talking about. I watched those youtube videos put out by many paleoconservatives and conspiracy theorists. Not that the two are tied, but it seems many conspiracy theorists are paleoconservatives or anarcho-capitalists. Many are also big supporters of Austrian economics, which isn't widely respected in academia . I used to believe these ideas when I was 16-18, until I went to college and figured out how to see through their BS.
I have a very basic understanding of currency and this is from me speaking to other economics and some of my own research. This is some what of what I understand about the gold standard.
Before going into what I understand, I want to make this clear. Gold only has value because we give it value. The same goes for a fiat currency. We give it value. Gold might have properties that make it valuable, but it has no intrinsic value.
The money supply needs to grow with the economy. For example, if the economy triples but the money supply stays the same, people would need to take a substantial pay cut. This leads to deflation. This is especially true if the population increases. People will say that this will lead to money being able to buy more so it would not matter if pay cuts occur. This doesn't take into account the psychology of humans. People do not like having their wages cut, especially if the economy is growing. This matters a lot for macroeconomics. Deflationary pressure such as this is a pain and takes a long time for an economy to adjust.
The gold standard does not solve the problem of trust. Unless we can actually buy goods with physical gold, all paper money absolutely requires trust in the institution issuing the paper. Throughout the history of the gold backed paper money, all of it has had its convertibility ration changed. Government and banks have all modified how much gold a given bill converts to, including going off the standard entirely.
Tying a currency to an asset such as gold can also create economic disruptions. For example, pretend gold mining becomes much more efficient, inflation can shoot through the roof. Or if there are new uses for gold, gold is taken out of the money supply and deflation can occur.
Also, governments can screw up gold backed money just as well as fiat money. The Great Depression is an example of such a screw up. The gold standard played a very big role in the Great Depression. For more info on the subject, check this link:
Also, just because I know about some of these conspiracy theories, check out this link: