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  1. B

    The woman I messed up with. Need Advice.

    Lol, great ^^^^ Nah man, she went crazy on you -- you didn't mess up anything -- that's a huge red flag -- what do you think she'd be like when you got to know her even better? She may be hot...but don't let that fool you!
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    HB11, logistical problem, need quick suggestions

    So you are here asking how to get with some 19y/o chick who is young and inexperienced, whom has blocked all contact with you because you tried to manipulate her into cheating yet you have no feelings what so ever but it has been over one year and you are contemplating directly approaching her...
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    Life changer

    Borknagar have some damn respect this guy's life is changing instantly and he's 20. Don't laugh and tout your vasectomy (I'm not against vasectomies but I am against people being totally inconsiderate). Bryce -- it is not uncommon for women to try and convince us not to use protection. There...
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    Your girl asks if It's okay to...

    ^yes^ It all wreaks of sexual tension...
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    Met a 'Nice Girl'...Losing Myself

    l would say this is common thing right, we meet someone hit it off and things start moving rocket speed -- and slowing it down can throw off the others momentum, there is somehow a dynamic in finding that same groove at the same tempo...she's tapping too fast...what if you tell her [verbally]...
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    Ex-Husband still around? Looking for your views...

    Rollo -- do you have a link to further information on female sexual behavior and menstruation? Very interesting notion you've described here, I'd like to learn more... PDub -- if I can say from my own personal experience, this is just going to be a bad situation further down the road. This is...
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    Successful men that are AFC = paradox?

    Well I would argue: (a) as much as it is unthought of on this forum because we've all been hurt -- there are actually happy marriages out there (b) they probably do not revolve around neediness (c) they probably do not view that person as the "magnificent one and only" but they probably (d)...
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    Lately, DJing is hurting my chances..

    That'll happen man -- you'll learn. Sometimes we have a romantic notion of how things ought to go, but rarely does it unfold that same way. I'd say just let it flow naturally and it will -- find a chick you're into and escalate a bit (ie, make physical contact with her gently)...again this is a...
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    Must get back on the road...

    Die Hard -- you still with this chick? Wondering if you pulled out of it or you're still with her.
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    Females recognizing/responding to AFC behavior: nature or nurture?

    A handsome AFC can get a woman for awhile...but long enough time she starts to dominate him and steadily lose respect for him. It's a subtle sort of maneuver and she may not even know she's doing it. AFC men are often respectable and honorable, committed, logical and place others before...
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    Help with new girlfriend situation

    @MaddxMan; hope everything works out for you here -- stay up -- this will pass sounds like really this is a good thing it was revealed this early, seems very clear this is just one of what would be many other complications and left-field sorts of conversations by her.... A woman who is into...
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    Successful men that are AFC = paradox?

    A lot of career successful men are not the same ones lurking in bars gaming on chicks...they go to work 9-5, probably exercise after, balance their household budget and watch something on Netflix. Being successful with money, career does not equal success with women. Success with women, is a...
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    Lately, DJing is hurting my chances..

    LOL Alex man your posts are favorite quote here is, To clarify some the terminology you're using in your posts: FWB = Friends With Benefits (this means she is touching your penis...if she has not touched your penis or had some sort of intimate contact with your body..she is a...
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    Your girl asks if It's okay to...

    G0ddamn this forum is a good read. Zekko -- I was being sort of cynically humorous...I agree with what you've said about boundaries. I respect that position and your mentality a great deal. There shouldn't be BS or games on either end.
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    Women believe their own lies.

    Jaylan -- stay up man -- don't let the haters get under your skin. Keep on your path to good things.
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    Your girl asks if It's okay to...

    I have to agree with the above thoughts on the notion of male/female friends...let's be honest...if male & female friends are young and sexually in their prime...there probably is some underlying sexual tension. The "guise" of "friends" is nice, but the brain and its biochemicals doesn't really...
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    Anyone dealing w/ Alcoholism personally?

    Well look man, I would say there are very few people who have absolute control of themselves all of the time...some people dedicate their entire lives to this fact alone and are lucky if they get close...we all have our limits and we all make mistakes, we are still just animals operating with...
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    Last Night

    Great post Roman -- I know we all get depressed! Especially after breakups or life rearrangements! To never be depressed would be not being human! Just as life brings us windows of good, so too can be rough patches, I don't always consider depression a disease unless you are spiraling yourself...
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    Telling my wife I will be hanging with friends as a test?

    I bet one thing that would hurt Gordon Ramsay's ego is that I have 0 clue who this person is. Not being at the birth of your own child isn't "alpha", it's "douche-bag-mc-douchenstein1000" -- there's nothing "beta" about seeing your own baby being born for jebus fvckssake...yeah what a pvssy...
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    Women believe their own lies.

    I agree with Jaylan here. Come on guys this forum has too much women hating -- we can't hate women or you will repel women and never find a good one and yes good people exist. In regards to cheating with either (a) chicks with boyfriends, or (b) chicks with wives, I stand by my position: Why...