Its obvious your dating a freak/slut. Its obvious your a nice guy. Its obvious nice guys don't excite like us bad boys. Embrace your darkside and dump the slut. Then eff her after and tell her she was always loose compared too your ex, and out of shape.
Jesus christ you sound like a geek in your post. CALM YOUR HAPPY ASS DOWN AND REALIZE WOMEN ARE NOT THAT SERIOUS. the difference between a 6 an a 10 is very little on the inside one jus looks better and knows it. I bet if you take her skin off shes not so hot. Dont sell your dignitysomething the...
Wait I thought this site was about becoming a dj a ladies man? You can't do that by having one woman or girlfriend that's a dater, and I didn't know this was a daters site.
Okay your taking my words the wrong way. If you like it than thats good. I thought you were the tpe of guy who approaches and bugs every chick you see. I see you only talk to chicks with "ioi". We play the same game just a different style. Yours PUA mines being a player. I approach women to but...
Do you get laid using this ****? Honestly it seems like you approach a lot of hoes and waste alot of energy chasing women and bed only a small amount. You can't make a female who's not interested in you like you. Just like if a fat ugly chick tried to talk to u. Nothing she says will phase you...
You should have asked her on a specific date. Your the MAN its your job to be in control. Women like to be controlled. Now you gotta ask again and set a specific date. tsk tsk. If she says no forget her there are plenty of women in the world. You honestly should be focusing on your other females...
* numbers in a week is nothing special. I got 6 six numbers in one night last time i went to the club, and i still dont feel like i did anything special. Getting the number is the easy part.
He'll be very confident with women if he continues on this road. Now you guys say it's easy but how many of you were talking to women when you were 12? How many of you actually even talk to women now? He is a 12 year old with bigger balls then most men. As he grows older his success rate might...
Anyway, last night she was trying to play games. Trying to play fight and get rough with me. I lightly slap her and just play fight stuff. Then a couple times she slapped me for real (because I said she wasn't tough probably) a couple times, like real ones...
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