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  1. J

    Lay report gone bad.

    Half were illegal lmao. I try and avoid 17 year olds too but if they give it up hey
  2. J

    Need Urgent advice for a date with a 10 tomorrow...

    Dont call her let the b!tch call you. Spend the time your not chasing her to find other women. You don't realize it but there are women out there who are dying to be with a guy like you because every female has their own type and personal taste. Some might think your so so while others think...
  3. J

    Lay report gone bad.

    Do you know how many millions of 20 year olds eff 17 year olds? Chillax she wouldnt tell why would she wanna look like a slut by telling for no good reason at all that she boned a 20 yr old
  4. J

    Girls getting comfortable with you/friendship zone

    Stop hanging out with her. Stop acting and treating her like a friend. DUH!
  5. J

    Need Urgent advice for a date with a 10 tomorrow...

    Malex plz stop man it's sad to see a guy who says he has no problems with women constantly posting over this one b!tch. Plz man she is just another ho plain and simple she wouldnt be so pretty with all her skin off would she? Or in the morning or when she takes a dump. You have put the ***** on...
  6. J

    Need Urgent advice for a date with a 10 tomorrow...

    Malex plz stop man it's sad to see a guy who says he has no problems with women constantly posting over this one b!tch. Plz man she is just another ho plain and simple she wouldnt be so pretty with all her skin off would she? Or in the morning or when she takes a dump. You have put the ***** on...
  7. J

    Need Urgent advice for a date with a 10 tomorrow...

    Out of all the quotes I have ever hear on this weak site. I have to admit that is one with true genuine game sir. I no longer feel so alone on here :woo:
  8. J

    Slap me in my face

    I just don't understand how you guys crush on a girl you've just met it blows my mind. What is it?
  9. J

    Got dumped. Need help.

    Player Supreme has some pretty good rants on how to get over your ex on youtube
  10. J

    Text gone bad, I think I shot myself in the foot

    What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points...
  11. J

    Text gone bad, I think I shot myself in the foot

    Exactly we should all slapp his ass for some corny ishh like that
  12. J

    Omg Black Women?!?!?

    I personally find white women unattractive in general I love black women, Not the ones with white features either. Although it's funny, a lot of the white women I see try to imitate black features hmm...
  13. J

    POF: "Number doesn't happen till we talk some more"

    I have pof and im not gonna lie. I ****ing hate it! The chicks are so weird on there.
  14. J

    worth being friends with girls?

    I have females that are my friends that I either bangged or have known since highschool. I look at it like this now with any female I meet; If your not gonna suck my **** don't talk to me. I have enough friends I don't need anymore. unless she is a co-worker, girl of 1 of my friends, or a...
  15. J

    Scared of approaching College Girls on campus

    Thats what a male does. He takes charge. 9 times out of 10 the man approaches a woman that's what he is supposed to do, and it's been happening for years. How is that sexist telling a male to do what a male does? Approach a female he wants to mate with.
  16. J

    TIC's Approach Journal

    Thats what I used to do till it got oo expensive. I take them fro coffee and if they don't like coffee I use this line "Good I don't either, lets go for a smoothie then". I never spend big $ on a ho. After a man gets to a point where getting the cat is easy he realizes and sees the true side...
  17. J

    TIC's Approach Journal

    Give advice. Cofee dates are far superior my man trust me taking hoes to the movies adds up and you cant know them. I date on average: In a good week 5-6 in a bad 1-3. I use this formula: I call em chat for awhile so that they feel like they kinda know me. Then I take em for coffe, and after...
  18. J

    TIC's Approach Journal

    Give advice. Cofee dates are far superior my man trust me taking hoes to the movies adds up and you cant know them. I date on average: In a good week 5-6 in a bad 1 0-3. I use this formula: I call em chat for awhile so that they feel like they kinda know me. Then I take em for coffe, and after...
  19. J

    Scared of approaching College Girls on campus

    General rule try saying hello to people you see in general. If you make eye contact with a girl just be a man and say. "excuse me your very beautiful you caught my eye so i wanted to introduce myself im ___" Or "I saw you making eye contact you look so familar do i know you?" Or just hey...
  20. J

    I was rejected by a woman once again...this time by a Brazilian.

    your a sad man too low for me to even offer any advice to jesus christ I swear this site profuces some of the sorriest threads ever