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  1. C

    Brad Pitt: Workout & Body [Merged Threads]

    wish there were more MMA gyms in UK...
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    Six reasons why aerobic work is counterproductive

    it does sound like he made it up. there's no scientific evidence, even if the statements are believable. actually they all are ridiculous. 1) aerobic exercise cannot plateau because there is nothing gained from it, only calories burnt / fat loss. it is impossible for your body to not be...
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    Should You Let A Girl Know They Pissed You Off?

    in response to your girl friend who 'only comes round when its convenient for her' or when 'she gets something from it' or whatever u said 1) say you're busy. see her when it is convenient for you. if she doesn't change and you two are both reciprocating, then she is not a good friend and you...
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    Hahhaa, funny CnF line

    haha.. isn't being offensive part of CnF
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    The best calibration

    this post makes no sense... are you saying you can tell what anyone's boyfriend looks like... and they have a boyfriend you shouldn't really go for her
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    situation, what to do?

    tell them to fight over you
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    Calling 2 days later, set up a date right?

    phones should only be used to set up dates, not talk
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    Would getting girls be easier or harder if there was no internet?

    if you think getting girls is a waste of time.. you don't get any girls
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    Quagmire911 Lifting Journal

    erm looking at your vids it looks like it's your back or your forearms for the sumo deadlift.
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    Weight gaining has plateaued

    make sure you eat enough. plateaue's don't exist. you are either not eating enough, or not training hard enough. what's your workout
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    HandyAndy's progress journal

    hey you said your doing a low carb diet, but on the 27th, there are no carbs? this is a bad idea because low carbs is good, but 0 carbs is bad... and if you stick to an extremely low carb diet for over two weeks, bad stuff happens to your body.
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    Six pack abs, Supplements, and ass gas

    six packs are 90% diet and 10% exercise. some of the skinniest people who do no exercise have six packs, because they are skinny. muscle tone is the visibility of your muscle, and fat hides your muscle. you need to eat better and lower your body fat. once your body fat is lower than 10%, and...
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    Headache during exercise

    might just be because you've got a bug at the moment or something or have you hit your head recently? it should go away after a week or so (of no press-ups). if it doesn't go see a doctor because you could be injured or it could be more serious. let's hope not. i got concussed during a rugby...
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    Fighting Bullies TIPS thread

    look guys i used to be bullied. there are several things you could do. firstly, what is it that they are bullying you for? do you have glasses? do you have funny hair? are you skinny? are you a dungeons and dragons fan? for all of those things... there's something you can do about it. get...
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    Weird Girl

    friends dont last forever
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    Why the hell wouldn't you?

    i respect your message of looking better, especially the weights part... but 15 minutes a week is not weight training. a minimum is 40 minutes, 3 times a week. and after 7 years mate you don't look big at all. anyway, some people can't afford it, some people don't have the time, some people...
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    Weird Girl

    those emails make you wierd not a player... and they're not teasing, they're annoying. teasing is like 'i have something important to tell you..... .... you have some corn in your teeth'
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    100 Approaches = Coming Off As Too Desperate?

    maybe it felt like desperation because it wasn't working...?
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    Mystery is the world's best PUA (Video Interview)

    wow i didn't know that program was fake...
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    My self-improvement program

    i've been reading this thread for ages... strange reading over a year of someone's life in an hour or so. but anyway it's good ****, your funny keep it up.