I have to disagree....
I would double check your source to make sure they were real cubans. There are many, many knock offs out there - you can tell a real cuban by it's taste and smell - unlike other S. American cigars - these smell great and not like a##.
Again I have to disagree...
Ok now that I've got that out of my system.
I'd take the ring back, and cut off contact with her. Stop basing your life around her. Get out and meet a real woman.
end of story.
Here is some advice - I suggest you take it. It's not going to be easy for you - but you have to batter down the hatches and stay on course.
Don't believe a word she says. Just nod. her words will be empty and her attempts at playing on your emotions should be ignored (and believe me, she...
i dont know if i agree with this.
one of the grey areas for me about the DJ rules is that they are so engrained in stone. Sometimes people do wierd things.
like who knows, maybe she read some book that says "If you really like a guy, cancel two dates then ask to breakfast a week...
The same thing happened to me.
My issue was, I didn't know she smoked until several months into the relationship.
At the start it was fine - but the problem occurs if it becomes to much and she begins to self medicate.
That's what happened to me.
My girl smoked pretty much every...
you like giving yourself pain?
This woman has told you straight up what the deal is and you continue to pine for her.
You will never achive what you desire if you continue to fret about this b#tch and wonder how/if you will get her back.
?Why would you do this to yourself?
Ignore her...
In my experience women love to be "Spanked" and tied up. It seems to be the totality of the man taking them - the powerlessness of the situation.
You don't offer - you just do.
Putting a chick over your knee to spank her is fun - but if it's done out of context, then it losses it's...
I am dating a chick - and my friends refer to her as a the devil woman - because she sucks the life out of me....
Literally she wants the d#ck all of the time.
This sucks the energy/desire to go after other chicks. Basically she's fvcking me into passivness. When I'm out with the guys, I...
perhaps because your buddy is phsyco
Now he sounds like a guy I want to hang with.
your about as smooth as the Himalaya's. You realise the more fun you make of him the more she will be with him.
Some freind you are.
No - Rollo's point is, why bother to go meet her family anyway.
She's 20 - and you know this is probably not going to last.... she's got a lot of growing up to do.
Doing something like this only show's that he is insecure about his age (and the fact that she is 12 yrs younget than him)...
No that is EXACTLY the problem.
The problem is she wants a relationship with an ex of hers.
when a chick has sucked another guys dyck - when he's fvcked her - she should know better than to think they can be friends.
When a guy has fvcked a girl he thinks he has the key to the kingdom...
Interesting since you wrote....
So it was OK for her to hang with her ex (who wants to fvck her) - but the guy who's not getting laid by his wife has to be a good little dog.
I really don't get this.
The minute things are not perfect with Clooney, the chick is talking about meeting...
You know what's the funny part - the fact that he was MANLY - i.e. he rode dirt bikes, drove a lifted truck, went 4X4ing - had jet ski's - went skiing - hit the gym regularly - etc. etc. was what got her wet and turned her on in the first place. It's silly how the very things that attracted the...
That doesn't stop a woman trying - and that was my point.
Whether you allow her to is another thing - but after you have signed that marrage certif. and she's poped out a kid - your up sh#t creek without a paddle.
and I'm not saying all women are like this - but from my experience - I...
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