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    Anal sex.

    Still confused about what the hell that was, Karma.....?
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    personality traits of a dj:

    Confident in YOURSELF. <---everything revolves around this. Hey, you said, not a lot......:cool:
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    New record...

    NICE:up: I like the.... You being the prize, AWSOME. and the You ended to convo.....GOOD MOVE. Keep up the good work.
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    what is your definition of an AFC?

    Yo frivolousz21, don't worry as long as your feel good about what your doings its ok. All this stuff on here is contraversal. If being nice sometimes works then roll with it. Everyone has they're own style.
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    Anal sex.

    I take it she stuck a rose up her @$$.
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    Anal sex.

    I take it she stuck a rose up her @$$.
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    only guy that cant solve prob. wit talking

    You know what your problem is. What you have to do is just make an effort to stop.
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    Girls Weird Fetish On Me

    She likes you.
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    only guy that cant solve prob. wit talking

    Are you stupid. Man i would slap you silly. :down: CLOSE
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    31 Tips for Living

    Wow, your so cute when you talk dirty to me.:D :woo: :cheer:
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    Ashlee Simpson is a tool

    You think i'm going to read all that? Please. I'm going allllllllllll the way..................(whatever that means:p). I'm going to sleep.:o
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    MTV's "MADE"

    Is it any good? I think it sucks for the preview.
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    Wingman Piss Taking Routine

    Ha:crackup: Your friend sounds cool. A true @$$whole. You should be thankful you have such a friend. Most people are afraid to even look at a girl let alone do what your friend does.
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    31 Tips for Living

    Thanks man, i always knew you had faith in me.:D :up: :woo: :cheer:
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    31 Tips for Living

    Good job on wasting your time qweretyuiopas
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    The Brush

    Gold!:up: I had @$$ resedue on my arm by the time i was done today. Worked magic for me.
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    Wingman Piss Taking Routine

    I'm impressed Shezzler. I'm impressed that your wing would sarge the target so early on in the set. But hey, he got the negs in their.
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    Nei Strauss - sellout or not?

    What a biotch. Just because he ended his dream, doesn't mean he needs to end others.
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    how do i become a leader

    Make an effort to be a leader. Don't wait for it to happen, they're not just one day decide lets make tawian kid in charge. Observe the learders, and the try to imitate them. Led the convo, by talking and asking the questions (the most involved). As your talking go where you want and they...
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    Smooth Player Looking for an Advanced Wing

    No sh*t what school?