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  1. L

    An interesting comment to the "All the Single Ladies" essay

    Ah, but as you have acknowledged yourself, culture, the economy, societal structures etc. change; they are not constant. Someone interpreting many current behaviors and practices in our society through the cultural lens of someone from medieval Europe would be disgusted at much of what he sees...
  2. L

    An interesting comment to the "All the Single Ladies" essay

    It seems like you're getting at the notion that women are "meant" (whatever that means) to have long term pair bonds. By leaving her "changed" I presume you're referring to the release of chemicals (e.g. oxytocin) that promote pair bonding. The problem with this idea is that there is no...
  3. L

    Challenging a Pook theory

    Whether you've got a huge amount of muscle mass or you're slim what's important is that you are CUT. Definition matters. I don't think a lot of girls find the powerlifter build particularly attractive. Some like buff guys, some like them skinny. But what's important is that your body is...
  4. L

    An interesting comment to the "All the Single Ladies" essay

    I agree with what you've said. But my point is that it's very difficult to prove that there is an overall decline in society's level of morality. I think that economic, cultural, social and structural changes have decreased the necessity and desirability of marriage for a lot of people. This is...
  5. L


    If she makes you horny, f*ck her. Why not? But those other guys do raise a good point about fvcking a chick from work. There's a chance that she could blab about it to people at work....especially if you pump and dump her.
  6. L

    what makes a man a man?

    I very recently finished med school and I'm going to start my residency soon....prelim year in internal medicine and then anesthesiology. I agree wholeheartedly with this. But as we have been discussing in that other thread, there is difference between what "should" be and what actually is...
  7. L

    what makes a man a man?

    As every feminist blog will point out, women are now earning more college and graduate degrees than men. Women are now beating out men in a lot of professions. Women are now the main breadwinners in a lot of households. Recently, the Navy had to allow women to serve aboard submarines because...
  8. L

    An interesting comment to the "All the Single Ladies" essay

    There was moral pressure, but it's funny how that moral pressure evaporated at the same time the structural and economic pressures became non-factors, isn't it? Were people more virtuous in this regard or were they pretty much forced to be that way? An interesting case study is India. It's...
  9. L

    An interesting comment to the "All the Single Ladies" essay

    I think it's quite difficult to prove a "decline" in morality. Yes, divorce rates are up, cheating has increased etc. but then take a society like Saudi Arabia for example.....very little adultery and extremely low divorce rates. I don't think you'd make the case that Saudi Arabia is a more...
  10. L

    An interesting comment to the "All the Single Ladies" essay

    I disagree with this moralistic thinking. There's an old saying, "it's easy to be a saint when you live in paradise." It's easy to get all high and mighty and think, "oh people back then were so much more committed and serious about relationships." But that wasn't because they were morally...
  11. L

    An interesting comment to the "All the Single Ladies" essay

    I think the "good old days" is a steaming pile of h0rse****. Society was no more morally upstanding 40-50 years ago than it is today. When was America more moral? Back in the 60s when Jim Crow laws were in full effect? How about the early 1900s when we denied voting rights to half the...
  12. L

    Captain Save a Hos in the media

    I agree that overall it was a very great movie. I just couldn't help but notice the AFCness lol. If Gosling's character wanted to do something for the greater good, he could have stopped being the getaway driver for criminals and murderers! At the beginning of the movie, he had some...
  13. L

    Captain Save a Hos in the media

    Right after reading this thread, it made me realize how much being Captain Save a Ho is promoted in the media. In that thread I mentioned that Kay commercial where a guy asks a girl if he can marry her Mom. I saw the movie Fighting just the other week. In that movie we see a guy who's homeless...
  14. L

    Spinning plates when you're a natural AFC

    I disagree somewhat with Colossus. He states that you have to lie or not tell a girl. He seems to imply that both are not consistent with a man of integrity or honesty. Obviously, lying is never honest. So if it conflicts with your morals, then by all means don't do it. But withholding...
  15. L

    Is There Anything Good About Men?

    I got this from Rollo's blog for those of you who haven't read it: It's a bit of a lengthy read but it's very interesting. It's written by a professor at Florida State and it refutes a lot of common feminist claims about how our society is patriarchal...
  16. L

    Spinning plates when you're a natural AFC

    First off, good job on the transformation. I too went through some of the same things you're going through. You have to realize that in all likelihood, many girls are also "spinning plates".....don't be fooled. If presented with the opportunity, girls will swing branches in a heartbeat in the...
  17. L

    Chicks with hot bodies but not so hot faces

    If it's just sex you want, a butter face works just fine. You're not going to be able to look at her face a whole lot when you're pressed up against her in bed anyway....
  18. L

    So you think foreign women are easier huh

    None of this would have happened if those agents didn't get sloppy and got caught. That could have happened anywhere.
  19. L

    Yelling/tantrums and frame control

    I've noticed that in a lot of spousal/girlfriend/LTR arguments, the girl "wins" the argument simply by getting more upset. She'll yell, cry, sulk or stop talking. She would rather do this than to reason out her point. Why would they, when the tactic works so effectively? The girl could be...
  20. L

    And the chump of the year goes to....

    This kind of behavior is widely promoted in our society these days. Just the other day, I was watching the movie "Fighting." It's about a guy who's super broke, no home, pedaling fake stuff on Canal Street. To make some cash, he ends up in the underground street fighting scene. He meets a girl...