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    odd problem to be having

    Girls learn to give head by 1. Watching porn 2. Their experience of actually doing it So, if you got a girl that knows what she is doing, if she says its her first time and she is good, she lied, it wasnt her first time or she must be really really gifted(no chance) or she must be some...
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    I was in this girl's room last night(late) and we kissed abit and I also hinted sometimes that I wont kiss her(just to play hard to get). Yet, Ive noticed over the last few weeks girls are telling me "You are really a confusing guy" - What does this mean and is it good?
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    What is chemistry and how do you create it?

    I believe chemistry can be created, do you honestly think "smooth" talkers become "smooth" talkers without knowing how to create chemistry with each girl. My advice would be to 1. Isolate her 2. Eye contact, Smile, Whisper in ear 3. Small talk 4. Build up small talk into medium talk and then...
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    Losing patience

    Matt, what did i tell you to do? KISS HER.
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    Divide and Conquer

    Very religous attack on the divide and conquer, are their any other variations? I also want to include that the divide and conquer has a set way of going about things, maybe does anyone know of a variation to the method?
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    Divide and Conquer

    The Divide and Conquer method has proved to be a success at many times. Appointing the "King" with his "Knights" as the wingmen. Then getting the knights to talk to the other women whilst the King joins in and talks to the target women whilst the Knights distract her friends. The King and Knight...
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    how many people here are gonna be positive and happy on valentines day

    If you guys are only going to be happy because you will have a girl on valentines day then you should shoot yourself, what have we been reading in the bible? Dont make the girl the centre of our live, have other HOBBIES that will make you happy? So? If you dont have a girl on valentines day? BIG...
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    how many people here are gonna be negative and sad on valentines day

    OH and Aequitas, Franciso is referring to the topic. He is referring to the fact that people let valentines day dictate their lives, like you said and like I agreed with- its just another day. But it should also be taken advantage of, lets not forget that.
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    how many people here are gonna be negative and sad on valentines day

    Let me explain... Valentines Day is a day where love is reunited, giving and taking is again relieved and its an excuse to find love or to find a partner. Its just like Human Rights Day or Independence day on those days we celebrate the rights of us as humans on earth and independence day we...
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    Pole: Afc, Major AFc, recovering Afc, or Don Juan

    Aequitas, keep dreaming...
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    Universal height

    So 175cm is considered as short, then how is that Don Juan was about 175cm tall? I heard that you are only considered as short if the girl is taller than you, if you are taller than all the girls you are with then its perfectly cool.
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    advice pls

    I hope ive helped you, if you want more information just go through this website, its a big help to all your questions. GOODLUCK.:)
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    advice pls

    Another thing- Not telling her is Okay, but after all my experiences...The place you are in is a very small world and people hear things and very easily get caught out be very careful here because if she finds out by YOU not telling her it will make it worse...So if i were you say to her...
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    advice pls

    I think your in a lose-lose situation. She is 19 years old therefore she is very young and probably wont want to get married for the next 5 years so you got a really big problem here already. I bet she is looking for a month or two relationship with you, nothing more.. If you had to tell her...
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    Are women more choosier than men?

    Basically, women cant just get any guy, but they can get "any" guy, if you are a don juan you will know that you wont give into these women creatures that think they can get any guy at a bar if they want 2, most other AFC guys will be all too happy to do whatever they want for this woman. If you...
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    Nice guy vs Don Juan

    A storm is brewing mr.aequitas. a storm is brewing. the clouds will close up, the skies will gather pace and soon Ill become a Don Juan and when I do, Mr.Isaak will have no chance and neither will YOU or anyone ELSE that intends talking the whole night? The only words every1 else will get in is...
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    Why do women prefer dark haired men?

    ya diablo take heed of other people's comments... so someone please answer my question 175 centimetres tall is that recognized as being short?
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    Universal height

    What is considered to be a short guy, an average guy and a tall guy? in cm's please....
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    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    Cape Town, South Africa.
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    Why do women prefer dark haired men?

    Im 1,75cm tall? Is that considered short?