Senior Don Juan
Here is the story, and its quite a shocking revelation. You know you get the juan's and everyone saying "nice guys finished last" well, ive always belived in that and it has always worked in my favour UNTIL a month ago, i made a new friend about 3 months ago and recently myself and him each night go to some girls houses to chill and speak, juan them, whatever, you know what i mean. So their we are lets say in her lounge talking and talking im flirting etc, playing hard to get, using alot of don juan techniques etc... im not doing anytjing to make me as a nice guy or as a bad boy type guy, just the king juan, but then my friend also talks and doesnt speak or do the juan things he tends to be a nice guy and now these girls are actually smsing me now asking me how my friend is and smsing me to tell me bring him with the next time we go to her house etc... I get the feeling they like him, so do nice guys really finish last cause in this case he is the nice guy im the juan, im about a 7 and half in looks he is about a we both good looking very close to model material and he isnt far off it , so we both NOT ugly, so its definetly not a LOOKS issue, wat can it be that they are some what in my opinion attracted to him?