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  1. S

    Books every Don should read:

    yes the some of the chapters, especially the 1st one in Think and grow rich is good. some others: Stephen R. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People. ------------ gSQUYrb
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    congrats & thanx

    are we expecting a flood of cluless newbies then?
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    Complaining, whining, and crying...

    Ouh...Mai...Goad. *enough said* ----------- "I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. (I had to success, because I finally ran out of things that would'nt work)" -Thomas Edison Thinking, not growth(ages), makes manhood(adultness). Accustom yourself, therefore, to thinking. Set...
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    Reply for "Will you buy me a drink?"

    I like Pancho's suggestion, very practical but lets add a little detail to it. She: Can you buy me a drink? Me: Sure, order whatever you'd like, and please order one for me too. She: ok, bartender! I'll have a this and a that. Me: (immediately) later then, I'll be over there (pointing wayyy...
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    WTF?? You can't experience true love, can't emotional connect to someone, and be a master of SS techniques the same time?! Rubbish, why not? Control your head, and control yourself. I can't believe something like SS is able to corrupt me like some kind disease, without leaving me any chances...
  6. S

    Cumbersome Pics in Sigs

    I've edited my last post for more accurate data... Imagine newbees running a "post your hot babes here", could easily get over Megs, I've seen that happen in another forum, which eventually had to disable images. --------------- "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
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    Cumbersome Pics in Sigs

    this one? MOD - Juan Anthony AIM: KinoOI E-mail: The DJ Bible ~or~ The High School Don Juan Bible . ':;;;;;;;; ;;;;;: . . `·¸:;;; ;;;;;' . . . .`·¸:; ;;;:´ . . . . ·¸;;¸.;;· . . ¸.·;;;;;;;;;;;; . .´;;;´ `;;;;;;;;;; . ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . `:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . ...
  8. S

    Cumbersome Pics in Sigs

    yes, disable pictures in posts! they just take up valuable spaces.
  9. S

    Giving a girl a compliment

    funny you mentioned that, guess what? I definately messed up: I asked this girl some time ago "Do you wear colored contacts?" she "yes", me "ok, cause your eyes are really blue and look beautiful"... =( [This message has been edited by Squy (edited 11-28-2002).]
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    Why Self-Respect Is Crucial To Your Becoming a Don Juan

    _-_ <---------- that's an icon for the "Bump"
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    The real deal on confidence towards women!

    quick! before it gets deleted
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    Quick Pick-up examples for different situations. (All real)

    MEGA LOL!!! *rape* did she really said that, lol
  13. S

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #1

    Actually I was going to write my report at the end of this week, but inspired by MystiC's midweek report, here I go: Being a store clerk myself, I have to say that they are obligated to reply when you greet them, if not they are being rude. I went to the mall on monday, took the train, which...
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    DJ Boot Camp - Week #1

    Does this count? I'm fortunate enough to have a job (shop clerc), where I see around 500 customers each day. I smile, make eye contacts, and greet each one of them. Actually in the beginning, I was shy as h3ll, afraid to say hi, make eye contact and never smile...After been here for a while, now...
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    this is quite embarrassing, but got to be fixed

    What products contain most zinc? Diplomatic_lies: I'll try that. [This message has been edited by Squy (edited 11-09-2002).]
  16. S

    Everything You Need To Know!

    Added a couple new quotes to my PersonalQuotesCollection. For your information those were: "Trust me on this one, a confident elephant man swimming in a pool of dung is more attractive than an insecure Tom Cruise. We all know this : an assertive fat a$$ will always be more successful than a...
  17. S

    The power of observation

    I'm reading the DJ bible now, this post is far better than your 2 previous posts imo! I have a question, when a chick do ballet (very good too), she is the slow or quick type? And what about those chicks that attend the karate classes??