Hello Friend,

If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!



Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
hmmm... i haven't gotten into any of this yet because im not sure if i'd want to or not. i mean.. its true that something is much more rewarding when you work for it. i wouldn't want to become a professional basketball player just because i said some stuff... or bc of luck... i would want it after years of hard work and determination.. you know HOW much more satisfying it is? happyness can't come from bs like that. same goes with having sex... i would be much happier if i had sex with a hb through regular djing... than ss. until you guys have any advice that can change how im thinking.. i think im gonna stay away from ss for now...


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2002
Reaction score
Carl Berner, Oslo
You can't experience true love, can't emotional connect to someone, and be a master of SS techniques the same time?!
Rubbish, why not?
Control your head, and control yourself.
I can't believe something like SS is able to corrupt me like some kind disease, without leaving me any chances to fight back.

Take the 30 secs rule (Never be emotionly connected to someone that you won't be able to disconnect off within 30 secs)
I can happily overrun that rule any day.

Take the best part of every technique and mix it.
It's just like martial arts.
"Be the man", is like Karate
"SS", is like Judo
"NLP" is like Jujitsu
"Hypnosis" is like Muey Thai.

Separately they won't be any good on the street, but if you learn them all, and mix them, you'll be the champ.

"Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds"
- Napoleon Hill

[This message has been edited by Squy (edited 11-29-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US

...the goal then would be to..seduce a person speedy?

ahh! but in a LONT-TERM relationship, its not just about seduction and LUST, its about love and relationships

difference is VERY huge, jusst because you kno HOW to manipulate people, does it neccessarily mean that you always WILL?

i might KNOW HOW to eat a chocolate truffle, but it doesnt mean im going to go through life living off desserts.

thats SS right there, for use in imes where being ursel isnt good enough

a fair advantage? maybe, but then isnt being attractive and born with just excelent confidance an unfair advantage too?

SS levels out the playing field, and is use in SELECTIVE situations. not all the time.

you just got into a state of mind of over-analyzing everything, try to learn to snap between different frams easily.

"... I'm tensed a bit,
and tempted,
when I see the sins,
my friends commit,
I'm infinite... "-EMINEM


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

Awkward, amen. But for the rest of your the questions, Awkward's is telling you the very same thing I've told you in other threads - but it's still the same sun.

The difference is, what you think you're doing and what's really happening is the delusion. If you get caught up in - as Awkward explained - the mystique of SS as a "tool" to get laid, you are setting yourselves up for much damage down the road.

First, you are not "bettering yourselves" by using anything at all to "manipulate" anybody but mostly, you're not manipulating them anyway. You just think you are. If you understood basic human nature AT ALL you'd see this plain as day, but you don't so you think you found a secret weapon of mass seduction and it's just simply not true.

YOU got manipulated by your own desperation because you weren't willing to do the real work it takes to just grow up.

People will find that there is an abundance of Love once they learn how to love themselves from the soul...not the ego.

SS - even tho many of you swear differently - does not give you confidence. It gives you nothing but a swollen ego. The true confidence comes in doing the work on yourself for no other reason than you know you've got issues, be they confidence and esteem issues, or just developing personal style and appeal.

SS gives you gimmicks.

I read your bible and saw a large part of the problem. It's filled with many well intended affirmations, things to start absorbing to change your beliefs about yourself and who you are...telling yourselves you're to be valued, to demand respect, to not allow yourselves to be treated callously.

And all of that is fine but at the same time, in the very next breath, it's all about not letting some woman reign control over you. This shouldn't BE about women. If this you're doing is to improve your confidence, the affirmations need to be inclusive of both genders.

Don't allow anybody to treat you badly, disrespectfully; make people deal straight with you, don't let either sex try to brow beat you into compliance.

It should be a people thing.

Where it goes off track and offends so many people is in the fact that all the affirmations aren't geared toward understanding and learning SELF respect, it's all about superficial ego coddling tactics that make you delude yourselves into thinking you're an "alpha male" and you're "too good" for your own good, and all these really superficial "traits" that are supposed to make you feel better about yourself BY weilding some imaginary power and status over women.

Instead of filling you with confidence, it ignites your egos and makes you pompous and arrogant - qualities NOBODY of EITHER sex really cares to be around.

Self respect comes in doing the inner work for no other reason than to fix yourself because you NEED IT. Once you do the work, you will respect yourself automatically, without needing to be validated by people on a message board.

SS is dangerous in that it doesn't show you how to actually do the work you need to grow. It just gives you superficial gimmicks to inflate your egos into assuming you're a "master pick up artist" too much a "real man" to be wasting time on women who don't call you back.

That's not confidence. It's ego.

Ang your ego is always at risk of being stepped on by an even bigger "alpha" male - or female, for that matter. You're psyching yourselves into buying this nonsense that you can actually "manipulate" people in the first place - which you can't if you have no idea how people respond or what for, (which you don't else you wouldn't be here) and that because you're able to manipulate and seduce (or so you presume) it automatically means you're some kinda top dog, playah, alpha male who dares not be looked at sideways by an inferior female.

THAT is the delusion. It's your egos - NOT confidence - making nobody but YOU think you're anything but a silly, clueless kid with an overinflated ego and a low supply of self awareness.

And in real life, you just come off looking insincere, arrogant, fake and pathetic. Nobody thinks you're an "alpha male" but you.

If you want love, real love...figure out how to love YOU in spite of all your fears and phobias and hang ups. That's what REAL LOVE is all about.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-07-2002).]


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
Demon actually said:

My advice to anyone for anything: learn how mindsets work

Oh reeeallly??? Learn how mindsets work? This is your advice eh.

Funny, how when I suggested that very same thing, learning how YOUR OWN mindsets work, alongside WHY anybody's attracted to anybody at all - and why not, you came back with a lot of smarta$$ sarcastic, juvenile bullsh*t dismissing any such thing as pi$$in in the wind.

Perhaps exporing your own mindset might not be a bad idea for a change.

Give it a shot. You just might astound yourself. And everybody that knows you.

That's the SECOND TIME you have presented precisely what I've been suggesting, and yet, you have no idea. Hysterical!

Except the part about lying. That's your BS, didn't come from me.

If that's all you're capable of in your quest for "betterment" and "scoring", that doesn't make you a real man, it just makes you a sorry person.

Why lie? Do you not have enough faith in your own abilities as a man or a human being to get it fair and square? Don't have enough belief in your own natural talents and character to go after what you want and get it without having to lie and "manipulate"?

Is that ALL the power you possess? Is that what SS taught you? Hmph.

Wake up baby.

Lying is for cowards and fools. No matter how hard they try to justify it.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-07-2002).]

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Who said that SS is about lying??? Where did you get that idea???

You dont have to lie to use SS.

And why wont girls be themselves, fair and square would show us their feelings??? Why do they play stupid childish games and tease us all the time???

We've tried your way, to show the feelings, to tell her... We ended up burned, turned down and hurt.

And while playing the DJ game we find ourselves in control and never losing.


Even if your system works and we get a relationship, it does not give us any control over the situation. So why would we consider changing???

_-=/Comrade Vronski\=-_


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

>>>Who said that SS is about lying??? Where did you get that idea???
You dont have to lie to use SS.<<<

I was addressing Demon's post right there on pg1...how to fake like ya mean it. Speed Seduction, Jeffries teaches you - his entire premise is based on how to deceive and lie. He might tell you when asked directly if his "methods" are cruel and deceitful against women that they aren't but 5 minutes reading his BS makes it glaringly obvious that's all he's trying to do.

Listen, you guys on here and other places start touting NLP like you even have a remote grasp of what that is. RJ hyped it up and made it sound like you got a crash course in rocket science and a secret "mind control" course when NOTHING could be further from reality.

NLP is based on the very same sh*t I have been talking about in all my posts that you categorically disregard JUST because I'm female - which is precisely what SS teaches you to do:


Are you aware that all you need to know on ALL his "superficial teachings" of NLP and behavior modification you can learn at the damn library? For FREE?

>>>And why wont girls be themselves, fair and square would show us their feelings??? Why do they play stupid childish games and tease us all the time???<<<

Comrade? POT. KETTLE.

Girls behave the way they behave. Highschool girls play games because they're still too immature to try to have a mature, responsible relationship, they're too young to really have enough world experience to know how to deal with people and mostly they're still programmed to behave like babies when they don't get their ways. It's because they are girls.

WOMEN playing games with you do so because they can. They can see thru you out the other side and you're too self absorbed to see it til you get blown off.

Not all women play games or see the need to, and plenty of HS chicks don't play games either...but playing games, hell, baby, it's love games.

If you're after SS because you're sick of getting toyed with, you won't find any answers. SS has no idea what women are about. Much less "mind control".

>>>We've tried your way, to show the feelings, to tell her... We ended up burned, turned down and hurt.<<<<

Aint anybody said it was my way. don't pin that rap on me. I tried to tell you a sound, solid method of understanding WHY you get jerked around by the head of your d*ks but your egos are too much in your way you won't listen.

EVERYTHING I have told you in those posts reflect one fact of life you cannot change. Humans behave in predictable ways BASED ON a variety of stimulus AND genetic programming that cannot be changed short of death.

For anybody to tell you that "with these techniques" you can manipulate and use hypnosis and mind control to alter another human's behavior and fail to validate and verify it thru scientific fact, fail to ALSO include the part that it only works in cases WHERE PEOPLE ARE ALREADY PREDISPOSED TO FOLLOW THE SUGGESTIONS TO BEGIN WITH, those people are liars and scam artists or just plain uneducated.

Unless these females are already predisposed to "wanting to f*ck you" - which is your agenda for "mind altering" them, YOU WILL FAIL. IF she is already predisposed to YOU, you never needed to use them ANYWAY.

RJ and others like him are charging people hundreds of dollars for only snippets of crap you canf ind out for free at your local library. NLP works ONLY in people who are predisposed to it anyway and you do not at all have anywhere near the education into human behavior enough to even be able to determine either way.

I gave you a very easy "crash course" in making that determination.


>>>And while playing the DJ game we find ourselves in control and never losing.<<<

You were always in control to begin with. YOU are the one who never knew it. There's no power game happening. That's all in your head.


1. SS is LOOSELY BASED on the NLP PREMISE. It is NOT NLP itself. SS takes the IDEAS of NLP and jumbles them around and feeds them to you alongside anchor words like seduction and get all the women you want and you choke it down BECAUSE you don't know any better. It just sounds good to you. That's where RJ scammed you.

SS is NOT based on anything scientifically proven. He took the premise of NLP - which does NOT WORK on anyone and everyone, and told you it works on any and all women, which is even more BS.

The SYSTEM isn't what's working for you. YOU are and were always the one doing it. It's your perceptions of "before and after" that have you snowed.

>>>Even if your system works and we get a relationship, it does not give us any control over the situation. So why would we consider changing???<<<

First of all, I don't have any "system". What I explained to you - and if you'd go actually READ IT you'd figure that out, was that all of this I told you, explained, IS basic human nature. It's WHERE NLP originates along with various other models of psychology and the mind/body sciences.

Understanding how the brain works in the first place is from whence NLP sprang. That's dealing with bahavior as it's expressed. It's guaging behavior in people based on how the information coming FROM THE UNCONSCIOUS is being processed - PERCEIVED - by the CONSCIOUS BRAIN and then communicated thru your senses.

SS claims to teach you that by watching someone's eyes you can guage whether they're left or right brained, by mirroring them you can create rapport, etc. in sexual seduction scenarios.

In these scenarios, you can implant all the trance words you want but if she's not fundamentally attracted to you enough to begin with, you don't get laid. If she is, you're just manipulating circumstance that you could have easily done for free by yourself being yourself or being a chickensh*t.

Understanding the foundations of attraction will insure that you're in control. Always. With true confidence.

Isn't that what you want?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
>>>Who said that SS is about lying??? Where did you get that idea???
You dont have to lie to use SS.<<<

>>>>>I was addressing Demon's post right there on pg1...how to fake like ya mean it. Speed Seduction, Jeffries teaches you - his entire premise is based on how to deceive and lie.<<<<<<
Well, I have to agree that its quite manipulative, but I dont lie. I as questions as to how the person feels or if she ever felt this way. If I disagree with something, I WILL STATE THAT I DISAGREE, but I will do it smoothly.

>>>>>He might tell you when asked directly if his "methods" are cruel and deceitful against women that they aren't but 5 minutes reading his BS makes it glaringly obvious that's all he's trying to do.<<<<<<<
I haven't read a lot of Jeffries, never listened to him and of course never seen him.

>>>>>>Listen, you guys on here and other places start touting NLP like you even have a remote grasp of what that is. RJ hyped it up and made it sound like you got a crash course in rocket science and a secret "mind control" course when NOTHING could be further from reality.

NLP is based on the very same sh*t I have been talking about in all my posts that you categorically disregard JUST because I'm female - which is precisely what SS teaches you to do:


No, that's because there was a lot of women coming to this board telling that we should and, if we have any decency, shower a girl with gifts.

>>>>>>>Are you aware that all you need to know on ALL his "superficial teachings" of NLP and behavior modification you can learn at the damn library? For FREE? <<<<<<<<<<
Yes, that's the way I did it, and surprisingly enough you wont find too much NLP books in the public lib. I wonder why.

>>>>>>Comrade? POT. KETTLE.<<<<<<
I dont get this argument, please explain.

>>>>>>>>Girls behave the way they behave. Highschool girls play games because they're still too immature to try to have a mature, responsible relationship, they're too young to really have enough world experience to know how to deal with people and mostly they're still programmed to behave like babies when they don't get their ways. It's because they are girls.<<<<<<<<<<<
BIG NEWS!! We are after GIRLS. 90% of us are between 15 to 25. And even if the guy is 25, its sure fun to play around with 20 year old. And quite a lot of them are still girls and not women at 20.

>>>>>>If you're after SS because you're sick of getting toyed with, you won't find any answers. SS has no idea what women are about. Much less "mind control". <<<<<<<
there is no such thing as mind control. We dont turn women into robots. If she has an appointment in 20 minutes, there is no way she will talk with us and miss it. But it makes the communication process much more fun and faster.

>>>>>>>>Aint anybody said it was my way. don't pin that rap on me. I tried to tell you a sound, solid method of understanding WHY you get jerked around by the head of your d*ks but your egos are too much in your way you won't listen.<<<<<<<<<<
Actually, your posts are just too long.

>>>>>>EVERYTHING I have told you in those posts reflect one fact of life you cannot change. Humans behave in predictable ways BASED ON a variety of stimulus AND genetic programming that cannot be changed short of death.

For anybody to tell you that "with these techniques" you can manipulate and use hypnosis and mind control to alter another human's behavior and fail to validate and verify it thru scientific fact, fail to ALSO include the part that it only works in cases WHERE PEOPLE ARE ALREADY PREDISPOSED TO FOLLOW THE SUGGESTIONS TO BEGIN WITH, those people are liars and scam artists or just plain uneducated.<<<<<<<
And we are also quite aware of that. But all we need is a bit of attention from the beginning, and then we can gradually build up on it and get to know the person, and then she will want to be influenced.

>>>>>Unless these females are already predisposed to "wanting to f*ck you" - which is your agenda for "mind altering" them, YOU WILL FAIL. IF she is already predisposed to YOU, you never needed to use them ANYWAY. <<<<<<<
Again, all that is required is some initial attention, which is very easy to get.

>>>>>>>>RJ and others like him are charging people hundreds of dollars for only snippets of crap you canf ind out for free at your local library. NLP works ONLY in people who are predisposed to it anyway and you do not at all have anywhere near the education into human behavior enough to even be able to determine either way.<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I'd be willing to read up on how it works. Plz suggest some good books on the topic.

>>>>>You were always in control to begin with. YOU are the one who never knew it. There's no power game happening. That's all in your head.<<<<<<<<<
Do you mean to tell me that there are no dominant personalities and submissive???
Well, back when we were AFCs, the girl had the power and could boss us around.

>>>>>1. SS is LOOSELY BASED on the NLP PREMISE. It is NOT NLP itself. SS takes the IDEAS of NLP and jumbles them around and feeds them to you alongside anchor words like seduction and get all the women you want and you choke it down BECAUSE you don't know any better. It just sounds good to you. That's where RJ scammed you.<<<<<<<<
It works, I tried it, I liked it.

>>>>>>SS is NOT based on anything scientifically proven.<<<<<<<<
I assume that you're familiar with the weasel phrases. Record 2-3 minutes of commercials. Choose the one that has text in it. Write down the text and see for yourself how many imbedded commands there are. Rewind and analyse the pauses between the words. You'll be surprised.

If it is used in commercials, globally, around the world, in every country, in every langage in every culture, its reasonable to assume that it works.

>>>>>>Understanding how the brain works in the first place is from whence NLP sprang. That's dealing with bahavior as it's expressed. It's guaging behavior in people based on how the information coming FROM THE UNCONSCIOUS is being processed - PERCEIVED - by the CONSCIOUS BRAIN and then communicated thru your senses.<<<<<<<<<
So we make logical statements that make the unconscious mind experience desired states. Then the person experiences these states.

>>>>>>>>>>>SS claims to teach you that by watching someone's eyes you can guage whether they're left or right brained, by mirroring them you can create rapport, etc. in sexual seduction scenarios.
In these scenarios, you can implant all the trance words you want but if she's not fundamentally attracted to you enough to begin with, you don't get laid. If she is, you're just manipulating circumstance that you could have easily done for free by yourself being yourself or being a chickensh*t.<<<<<<<<<<<<
That's why you start gradually, so by the time you start using heavy attraction stuff, the person is already wants you and is receptive.

>>>>>>>Understanding the foundations of attraction will insure that you're in control. Always. With true confidence.<<<<<<<<

And you talk about it quite nicely. We appreciate it.

_-=/Comrade Vronski\=-_