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  1. P

    The Reminder

  2. P

    Susan, part two.

    You are missing the essential point. It really isn't exactly looks. From my point of view it seems as if every woman has an idea, or ideas in her head as to how a man for her should be. Looks aren't necessarily what tips the balance. It is more that the guy fit into her lifestyle and...
  3. P

    Susan, part two.

    Exactly. Not just some a guy, a guy she finds attractive. I think that it takes a women of high self esteem to openly express her emotions to a guy who turns her on. The low esteem women tend to to just turn away, shyly.
  4. P

    Susan, part two.

    I live in a part of town with a lively street culture, where there are sidewalk cafés, coffee shops, trendy stores, art galleries, bars, theaters, and several small parks. On certain days there are artisans displaying their wares along sidewalks, and entertainers, clowns, and musicians…...
  5. P

    Susan, part two.

    Actually what I have been writing has been a recounting of actual events. That it is so foreign that it must be fiction to some of you makes me wonder what kind of interactions with women that you are having. What I'm saying is not outrageous at all. In fact I'm starting to think that what I...
  6. P

    Susan, part two.

    Sometimes I wonder if some of you guys have ever been with a woman.
  7. P

    Can a top PUA really get ANY girl?

    No one can get all women and who would want to. Say you go out to a social gathering and there are 100 women. 1% is all you need. Go out enough and these little one percents add up. I think that I am very good with women. So much so that I can’t recall being rejected, at least since high...
  8. P

    Are tomboyish girls really the ideal, or is being girly okay?

    It all depends on your lifestyle. I like to go camping and hiking, to ride my bicycle, to play tennis. Women who share these activities tend to be on the tomboyish side. Women who are scared of every little bug are a pain in the butt.
  9. P

    Susan, part two.

    I was supposed to meet up with my new found friend Susan, however just as I got to where we were to meet, I got a text message from her, telling me she’d be late. Just so happens that there is this other woman whose name is also Susan. I had never met her before but had seen her around a lot...
  10. P

    Attraction: can it REALLY be built, or does it already have to somewhat be there?

    I was in the grocery store and was looking at the gossip magazines. I just couldn’t get over that in all the pictures all the hot young starlets were with short, fat, ugly, scrawny guys. :crackup:
  11. P

    How to build chemistry with a woman!

    Sometimes “that interesting funny guy” is simply entertaining and little more. To get to the nest level, to go further requires making a connection on a deeper level. You’ve got to connect with what she thinks and not every girl thinks the same things.
  12. P

    Attraction: can it REALLY be built, or does it already have to somewhat be there?

    Actually, I think that you are the one that is full of crap. I don’t know what part of fantasy land that you and others that make the same claims as you do come from but it sure isn’t the real world. Time and time again I’ve seen every average guy with all the game in the world fail one after...
  13. P

    Women, according to potato

    Maybe that is something that comes from maturity. When I meet a woman I don’t get all excited about their boobs or whatever, it’s always more how I see them as a person, their character. Maybe that sounds lame to you but I have been very successful with women. I only date/fool around with...
  14. P

    The Secret To A Healthy Relationship

    No the cool guy got the Homecoming Queen, the Prom Queen, and that cute little girl that hung out behind the shop building smoking cigarettes. Dorks end up jacking off to the playboy channel. Nobody likes dorks, not even themselves. Oh, and that bully, well he wasn't all that tough after all...
  15. P

    The Secret To A Healthy Relationship

    Why is it that everyone that post in this forum that says anything about treating women nicely and having any type of fulfilling relationship with a woman is either a troll or a woman?
  16. P

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Did have something to do with the fact that in her post she did identify herself as a woman? So you can't tell the difference between a man and a woman?
  17. P

    Women, according to potato

    This is the most intelligent thing that you’ve posted yet – almost. The idea is to be friendly and flirty with every woman that you meet regardless of any romantic/sexual interest or not. By being that way, by having an easy rapport with all women, when a woman comes along with which you do...
  18. P

    Women, according to potato

    OP=original post, opening post You are citing something from months ago that has nothing to do with the thread at hand. Is it not clear to you that I mock the PUA mindset, not everything that is on this site.
  19. P

    Women, according to potato

    Show me where in my OP that I have been condescending, making fun of posters, being a troll, making inflammatory statements, or even arrogant. Where in my posts does it show me to be a woman? Can any of you show where my understanding of women’s nature is in error? Why is it that only iqqi...
  20. P

    Women, according to potato

    So if women aren’t all that persuaded by game a man still pursues that course? Whereas apparently only a woman can see the futility in this? The results. If you look at a typical PUA type they are never happy, always looking for another fix. Guys who engage in long lasting loving...